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Pack activity idea help


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I am looking for a pack activity for cub scouts. We are having a FOS presentation, and was looking for something for the scouts to do during that time that might quietly keep them occupied at their tables for about 10-15 minutes.


Would love to hear your ideas. Is this even possible? :)

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Playdoh. You don't even have to say anything to them. Just put it on the table and see what happens.


Or if a leader or two wants to volunteer, a game of kickball or something similar outside.


Not the same situation, but when we have our parent orientation meeting, we gather all the kids by rank and let them make sliders as their first activity. 1/2 " pvc pipe cut into 1 " pieces and a couple hoy glue guns ( for leader use) then break out the do dads ,beads, thingys and other stuff. Wooden wheels are great, Glue them to the pipe and let the kids color with markers!

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Our next-to-last Pack meeting this year is this coming Monday.


I plan to have a couple of stations with construction paper, scissors, glue, stickers, markers, and "do-dads" for the boys to make Thank You cards for ALL of the different people who have helped us this year.


Then I'll package them up and send big envelopes full of Cub Scout Love to our friends. :0)

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We decided on making "Trail" mix. As the FOS presentation is going on, den-by-den the boys will come up to each station (M&M's, Cheerios, Capn Crunch, Popcorn) and take a scoop.


Thanks for all the thought-starters. When I first posted this, I was not even thinking about food. Great way to keep the hands busy AND the mouth quiet for a little bit (without using/eating playdoh)


Thanks all

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Need: one adult who is comfortable acting silly.


Boys sit in big circle. Akela tells them: "Okay, we're going to play a game! I'm not going to tell you WHAT we're doing, but I will show you how to do it! When we're done, I will ask you to tell me what we've done!

"Now, I am going to turn 'round and face you all around in the circle (Akela does so, turning/moving slowly around, facing each Cub in turn). "As I face you, I want you to do just what I do, and keep on doing it until I show you something else. So let's start with this:"

(((Akela starts with first Cub, demonstrating rubbing his hands together until Cub rubs his hands together , then moving slowly on to the next Cub, who starts rubbing his hands together, and so on around the circle. If necessary, caution Cubs to be quiet, and not to start until Akela gets to them. When Akela gets back to the first Cub,(all Cubs are now rubbing hands), Akela then snaps his fingers, thumb and 2nd fingers, on around the circle. Next, gently slap thighs. Fourth, softly clap hands. Fifth, loudly clap. Sixth, stomp feet. Seventh, clap and stomp. Then, as you work around the circle, go back down the cycle: Stomp, clap loud, clap softly, slap thighs, snap fingers, rub hands, then last time around silent. )))

"Wow, that was great. Now, who can tell me what we just did? Did that remind you of anything?"


Depending, you will have some discerning Cub guess "rainstorm?"

which is the idea.

Works best with 10 or 12 or more. Go slow. Make them pay attention to you. LOOK the Cub in the eye as you go by. Guaranteed 6 or 7 or more minutes of attentive activity.

Last time I did this, it was under a picnic pavilion with 30 antsy CSDC campers (and their Den Walkers, who I insisted join in), during a lightning alert. Then we sang songs, another story.

Well, not too quiet, and no tables. Maybe this is not the suggestion for you. Oh well, just came to mind.(This message has been edited by SSScout)

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AnnLaurelB: If you have issues with 1st-5th graders EATING Pla-Doh, you have bigger problems than activities. ;0)


Nope, no issue with it, I read the can, it says non toxic right on the side. No issue at all. As long as there is enough for every one the can eat all they want. (grin)

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BWAHahahahahahah! Hey. Crayons are non-toxic, too! You could do a science experiment with that!


(Hint--my grandma's poodle ate my box of 8 Crayons one time when I was a kid...and guess what happened the next day?!?)


And yeees...he was a POOdle. If that helps you get the visual.

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