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Cubmaster vs Den Leader


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Hello 1 hour,



Personally I wouldn't bother with all the formal procedure you suggest.



A Den Leader and Cubmaster who aren't getting along together should probably sit down with the Committee Chair and see if they can sort things out. If they can't the Committee Chair might recommend who should be fired to the COR.



That's the way I'd handle it.





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Unit Commissioner


So exactly what is a DE going to do about an internal spat????


This is the realm of Charter Org rep and Committee Chair. Sounds Like the CM has a big old fat head that needs some hot air removed.


Face book posting, what are we in high school here people.


I would chat with the COR and CC about the issues and maybe provide the CM with a job description for his position. In a nutshell he cannot hire or fire you.

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This might be slightly off-topic; please forgive me. But I'm new to this Cubmaster gig, and I think I have the "provide the program" part down alright...


...but someone mentioned "the Committee should handle the business side". What is meant by that, exactly? I can't get my Committee to do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. What business are we talking, here? They seem to assume I will do it all.


I keep telling them, "I'm the party planner! I book the entertainment, and get out the invites, and make sure the guests (Scouts) have their maps (are advancing)."


What SHOULD the Committee be doing? What should I not be doing?

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