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The need for record-keeping software?


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Not everyone has 3G cell service.


Some people think cell phones are for phone calls.


I'm really so glad that TroopMaster has been perfect for you. You are not the only user.


You are making all these assumptions without having the benefit of knowing what my spreadsheet does.


You have your opinion, I have mine.


Best of luck to you.

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I am quite aware that not everyone has 3G nor that they use phones as portable laptops. My wife is proof (she'd put a whippin' on me if she knew I said that). She uses her cell just to make calls and text.


I'd like to take a look at what you are using. It sounds like a winner.

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As a follow up to this (I'm the OP, couldn't figure out how to change my handle so just created a new account.)


We did name an advancement chair and it has been a godsend, particularly as B&G approaches.


We use the various trax software at some of the Den levels and the advancement chair is working on a record keeping system that can be passed down to the next person to take that role.


Why having a record is important became evident lately. Got a request from the WDL for a bunch of Webelos pins that kids "didn't get." Well, I knew that some of these were awarded from my foggy memory so I asked the WDL to double check so we didn't buy duplicate pins. But, the WDL didn't have records (that's a story unto itself) and neither did the previous CM, and there was no advancement chair before. After some back and forth it turns out that kids either lost pins, forgot to put them on the colors, stuck in the drawer, who knows what.


So, I really see the benefit of encouraging/providing some system for the DLs, trax of otherwise, and keeping a pack-level system in the event the DLs end up "losing" their data.


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