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outdoor activity award


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For the outdoor activity award the requirments state that the boys need to attend scout day camp or resident camp. Since attending the summer camp is not easy for most of the boys is there anything else that can be used for this? would one of the cub advancement days work?

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Unfortunately the rule states Day Camp or Resident Camp, so in all likelihood the answer is no.


But the thing is this, day camp is loosely interpreted at NCS, so that a one day event, IF it meets all national criteria ( about a 5 inch binder's worth" AND IF it gets inspected by an inspection team ( which most 1 day events do not) could possibly meet criteria. But again most one day events do not meet it. In my years in scouting, only 1 has met the criteria.

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Since attending the summer camp is not easy for most of the boys is there anything else that can be used for this?

I don't think I would agree with that generalization. Our council publishes in its newsletter those packs who send over 50% of their scouts to summer camp programs. I don't remember the exact number, but there were plenty. Not "easy" for what reason? They can't afford it? Most councils have funds available for scholarships, and many units will help out as well, if they are asked. Because parents don't want to spend time with their children and view it as a babysitting service?

Exceptions to requirements are usually provided when there might be some health-related barrier to a boy completing something. But an exception because it's not perceived as "easy"???

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With not easy i ment that most families planned their summer vaction or plans before our pack stated when the camp would be. For us the camp was the next week after school let out and a lot of parents left town or had other things lined up for the boys that week. If it was a cost issue we could have worked something out but I dont feel the boys should be prevented from the award because of other family commitments. I dont mean to open a can of worms on this issue, While I understand the need for this item I thought there would some gray area on this for boys who are working hard for achievments but can fulfil the 1 requirement because their parents made other plans for that one week.

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The outdoor award is just that, an award. Overall the idea is to promote the outdoors with camping, earning out achievements, earning outdoor electives, and having fun. It is not necessary for adavcnement or having fun. Heck they didn't have hte award when I was a CS.


Now in reference to your pack and making the announcement, Did your council send out a mailer with the info? Is the info posted on your council's calendar or website?


EDITED: just reread the post and it sounds kinda harsh, not meant to be. Straightforward yes, but not harsh.(This message has been edited by Eagle92)

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If it is a matter of the events not being publicized soon enough, I would bring that to the attention of your Council or District Camping committee, or whomever is organizing them. Our dates for Summer 2011 are already on the council calendar. Even if they are not yet in the process of planning details, they should have a pretty good idea of when they will be held.


People make choices. Not every scout will earn every award.

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It sounds like this is a unit planning and communications issue. Our council announces camp sessions for the following summer in November and December (or at the latest January). Your unit should be selecting camping dates and publicizing them at that time. If your council doesn't release camping info until later in the year, then you should be pushing the Council Camping Committee for more timely information. Most councils have the info by February, though because they publish camping info for Blue & Gold banquets.


The other thing to remember is that not all families have to go together. If the award is a priority or interest for the Scouts, then they can attend another session of the resident camp or attend another district's day camp at a time more convenient for their families.

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For the day camp our area only has 1 week that is set aside for them. So it was basically a one shot deal we do have all the pack campouts done in advance but the day camp we didnt get until april, at which point most family had already made plans. No one expected that our district week at camp would be the week after school ended. As for attending another districts camp we were told that we could only go on our districts dates.

Since they call it a day camp I dont see why one of the advancement days could not be used since the guide states a day cam is from 1 to 5 days or evenings without a overnighter. Just trying to see how any others would handle this. Some of the boys really dont care if the get it this year but there are a few who are bummed that they may not qualify since they could not go.

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What Info said.


Most councils have numerous summer resident camp dates to choose from.


All councils have more than one District.


The person who told you that you could only sign up for the Day Camp in your District is incorrect. A registered Scout can attend events in any District, and in fact, in any Council. As a matter of fact, another District, or Council's event might actually end up being closer, more convenient, to you.


One of the purposes of this award is to encourage Scouts to attend Council/District Summer Camps, that is why the first requirement is what it is. While Cub Scouts are flexible, award requirements still must be met in order to earn an award, and award requirements can/should not be changed.


When you mention the description of a day camp in the "guide", I will assume you mean the Cub Scout Outdoor Program Guidelines?


That publication does state that "a day cam is from 1 to 5 days or evenings without a overnighter". However, it also states -


"Day camp is conducted by the council/district under National Camp School leadership"




"Approval to conduct a day camp is granted by the council. Training for camp directors and program directors is provided through the National Camping School. All day camps shall be conducted in accordance with established standards as given in National Standards for Local Council Accreditation of Cub Scout/Webelos Scout Day Camps, No. 13-108."


Local Cub "Advancement Days" are not generally under NCS trained leadership. They are usually one day affairs, promoted by the District/Council, but put on/run by a local Boy Scout Troop/Venture Crew.


As others have said, the program is NOT just about the bling.

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yep day camp can be 1-5 days, can be full 8 hour days, can be 2 hour days etc. BUT the key is that the camp, however long it is, meets certain standards set by national. They also need 2 national camping school certified folks to run the event, AND the camp needs to be inspected. Most 1 day events do not get inspected, let alone follow ALL of the standards. grant ya usually CSDC folks are involved in the process though.


That said, in my experience only 1 event that I know of met those requirements,and I've been around a while.


As for only being able to go to your district's camp, let me guess your DE told you that? As Col. Sherman Potter would say, "HORSEHOCKEY!" You can go to any district's day camp within your council.



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Actaly it was our CM the same person who is pushing for all boys to get everything they can. So from what I have seen every boy in the den, with the exception of the CM's kid is out of luck this year. the DL and I are alredy getting pressure from the parents on what he is getting this is going to matters even worse.

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As for only being able to go to your district's camp, let me guess your DE told you that? As Col. Sherman Potter would say, "HORSEHOCKEY!"

I thought the same thing. My guess was that the individual was on the district camping or day camp committee, and that the district struggles with putting on a program that attracts enough people to fill it. I could see a district or council giving preference to its own scouts in a program that fills up, but that certainly isn't the case here.

Like it or not, scout camping is a competetive "business." Some camps have numerous OOC troops every year, while others resort to the "guilt trip" approach with units who choose to go elsewhere. Guess which one offers the better program?


Edit: I was typing this while when the OP's repsonse was posted. My comments are still generally applicable. I would still guess that the CM is getting pressure from district people to increase attendance.(This message has been edited by the blancmange)

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My son and another boy were in the same position with not getting the award due to the fact we couldn't go to camp. They did everything else. I was disappointed when I found out that the camp-o-rees etc didn't count. (Sorry new to scouting and didn't know), but I didn't get mad or upset. This year those two boys will get it, because we got to go to resident camp this summer. And I think there is a big difference between day camp/resident camp and the other events. All the boys aren't going to get all the awards. It's not t-ball and everyone gets a trophy. This is a perfect time for kids and families to realize life isn't fair. Sometimes them's the breaks.


If a boy misses the pinewood derby because his family plans on being out of town that week or is sick, do they complain that it isn't fair that their son can't get to race and possibly win an award.


In the end, the Outdoor Award is a patch. A very cool patch that you get to wear on your uniform, but in a week, the boys will forget about it and move on to doing something else. Did the other families even know about this award until the CM's son is qualified for it? Or are people getting jealous because he is achieving a lot (like most leader's sons do)? This is a time to encourage the others that there is an opportunity to work towards something. Now that they know they want it, then they can work on it for next year. They can take the intiative and step up and contact the district to find out the schedule asap for next summer. I am sure someone in district will be able to give a good estimate.


I have one boy in my den whose family will never do anything outside the den. Great family, but the boy always complains that he doesn't get the awards/patches that everyone else does. He complained about not getting the Traveler pin even though he gets to travel around the world. I just keep telling him (in front of his parents too) that it isn't where you go, it's how you go. If you want to earn it, do the requirements. Simple as that. If not, just be happy and a good sport for the ones who do earn it.


I am not trying to be harsh, but if you are worried about being confronted by angry parents, this is what I would tell them. And I would bean dip them to the next exciting advancement that they can work on. If it is that they are jealous because the CM's son is getting a bunch of stuff, then I would just say, Gee, he is a great scouter. We as a pack should be so proud of him.

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Guys I understand its not about the "bling" however there are seveal parents that dont think that way.

For my own son yup my fault for scheduling the vacrtion with checking ahead and he understands that. some parents and kids dont they dont check the information dont sign the books and then complain as to why their boys are not getting anything.

Right now the major push for the "bling" is from the CM problem is that when his son gets it and others dont the parents fell we are playing favorites. Like I stated before I didnt want open a big can of worms on this I just wanted to check if there was anothe way to qualify thoes wh missed the day camp week. As the ADL I will have to try and check the council dates and make sure that information is passed on even if it coming from the pack.


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