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Starting to get a feel for this


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I'm still learning my role and duties. I thought I knew what they were, but found out otherwise while also having a whole lot more respect for our past CubMaster.


No, I didn't underestimate the role of the job, I just didn't realize what the real role was. it.


six and a half years ago, the last CM, stepped up after the rest of the entire leadership crossed over with their sons. So right away, a DL became the ONLY member with any experience at all. She ended up becoming the CM, CC, treaserer, publicity chair and popcorn kernal.


The current ACM actually did alot of the CM duties.


No wonder she was burned out after 6 1/2 years ( 3 sons if you are doing the math).


So, when I was asked to take over, I thought I would be doing all of that stuff too.


You might have heard me mention that we have a real working and functioning committee now. They do their job too. The only issue is the standard issue of finding new people to take over as their sons cross out.


So now I am working with the ACM to learn my "real" duties as a CM. Learning to be an EMCEE and ringmaster. Learning to do all the silly singing and dancing too.


I am having fun!




So last night was our New Scout Orientation Night, Used to be in the past, we'd just bring the new guys in during a regular pack meeting, but this year, we changed it up.


We had our new scout orientation during our leader meeting timeslot, and just had our leaders meeting afterward.


I opened up by holding up the scout sign,and then the Pledge of Allegiance....pretty much standard stuff. We didn't do colors as we didn't have any of our existing scouts there.


We did this to keep the chaos down.


So after the opening,I introduced myself, and all the leadership, plus all the committee. I spoke a few minutes to the boys, laughed and joked, sang a song or two and then the ACM took them to do crafts and play outside.


At this point, I turned the meeting over to the CC.


Then....blah , blah ,( finances, fund raising, dues breakdown, rules, etc..) blah.. and it was back to me .


I talked about council camping, pack camping and what our intent was.


Two things I did that really went well with the new parents:


1) I explained that I wasn't to far removed from being a new parent myself. I know how overwhelming it can all be after sitting in that first meeting. School has been back in for a little over a months and checkbooks are still nursing their wounds from school clothes, school supplies, school fees, any other activities, sports, school pictures, t shirts, school wanting to sell stuff.


I then explained that as overbearing as it seemed right now, in a month or so, it will be just as routine and normal as walking, eating, sleeping.


And I admitted that sometimes, I might be having more fun than my son! :)


2) I did the "Not Much Time Left" rope presentation that I read in here a few months ago.


Sorry, I cannot remember who posted it or what forum it was under.


But let me tell you, the parents loved it! I had two new scouts be my volunteers and talked as casually as I could while cutting away at the rope.


We had a Q&A session which is the most important part since you can never ever think of every possible concern, question or fear.


And I sealed the deal with a simple answer to a simple question:


Q: What if I don't like this pack?


A "Shop around. There are 3 packs within a 5 mile straight line down this highway, and another about 12 miles down the road on the beach.


A pack is not much different than a gas station, grocery store or restaurant as there are many of them around, but you tend to find one you like better than others. It may be the ambiance, it may be the people, the location, or even the night they meet. But if you find you are more comfortable with and have better chemistry with any particular pack,then you are more likely to stay active in that pack, therefore your son gets more from the program......and that's what it's all about!"


I didn't get a standing ovation , but I did get alot of applause!


Long story short(er) :)


There is less work than I originally though, but since I have to learn a bunch of songs and stuff...It's gonna be tougher in a way I didn't imagine!



(This message has been edited by scoutfish)

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Great! I may steal...uhh, borrow some of your ideas for my meeting this coming weekend. This year has been unique as we have had new Scouts "trickling" in since June. Overall, we've added about 15. So, I've done the "Welcome to the Pack" speech twice now!


My only issue with being CM is that I miss the interaction with the boys. It's been said before (and is true) that Scouting takes place in the Den. I kind of miss that..oh well. On the the next Pack Meeting!

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