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New 5th grade boys


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You could lose the new 5th Graders if you cross over early, because then you're leaving them behind, separated from their friends who join a Troop.


This assumes that you don't apply a liberal right to allow "repeat visiting" by those non-AoL guys from the crossover point to the earlier of turning 11 or the end of 5th Grade.


Thus, getting AoL allows earlier joining up with the rest of the guys, and avoids, for example, any G2SS literalist saying that, for example, they can't participate in Camp O Rees because they are still Cub Scouts.

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The requirement to join is 11 or completed the 5th grade. Most webelos 2 boys will be 11 by march or april in the 5th grade anyhow. Let them crossover with the others and be guests of the the troop till May when they change grades if they are not 11. OR if the boy wants he can work on his AOL till he completes 5th grade.


I have seen it both ways, boys who wouldn't crossover till aging out with the pack and boys crossing over the second they could


You guys are making this too black and white.


Like the Packs who push the super achiever award, ridiculous. Cub scouting bear and wolf years are nearly identical especially if they earn the whittle chip as a wolf resulting in much repetition and the loss of interest.



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