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Do cubs move up at end of school year or beginning of next school year?


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Does a cub scout move up to the next level (i.e. Wolf to Bear) at the end of the school year, or the beginning of the next school year ??


Meaning could that Wolf continue to work on his Wolf Rank Achievements and Electives during the summer, or does he become a Bear, and need to do Bear Book stuff during the summer break??

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Yes! (Does that help?lol) Most move up during the summer. That way if they go to Cub Camp they can starting working on the next level. BUT! If your CubMaster gives you the OK and they are really close to finishing, they can finish the last rank. BUT! They CAN NOT start on the next one untill they are totally finished with the old one.


With me it would depend on the boy and how close they were to finishing it. Come all the time but just behind, OKed to finish. See only once every 3 weeks and have lots to finish, sorry time to move one to the next rank.


Either way they would HAVE to move up at the start of the school year.




ETA: I would go with JUST the rank not the Electives. Because why work on Wolf fun stuff when you can move on to Bear fun stuff?(This message has been edited by Ltfightr)

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In my son's previous pack, there was never an issue with scouts finishing their rank badge during the school year, so no need to continue in the same rank over the summer. At the last Pack Meeting in May/June, we'd have a bridging ceremony where we presented the new neckerchief and handbooks to the boys. That way, anything done over the summer at camp or some other council, district or pack events would count towards the next year's requirements and electives.


That being said, there's no requirement to do it this way. If you have some boys that want to finish their current badge over the summer, that's fine, too. BUT...it's either all or nothing...can't work on the current badge during the summer and then also use items done at the same time for next year's badge. They count for one or the other.

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You state they cannot start working on the new rank until the old one is complete. Not true, the youth or parent can chose not to complete that rank. But the essence of your statement is correct, they cannot work on multiple ranks at the same time.


As a matter of fact our council is making a big push to recruit the boys graduating from kindergarten this month.



Every single unit I have been involved with advance their boys at the end of the school year.


let me put it to you this way. Your son has been a wolf all year, earned the rank and electives. Would you want him to go to summer camp and work on requirements and electives he already completed??? Of course not.


There are some rare instances when it might be necessary to allow a boy with special needs extend his rank, but it should be a rare occurrence.

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Yes thank you. That is what I meant. You can not work on 2 ranks at the same time. Sometimes my brain works faster than my fingers. I thought it when I was composing and thought I included that statement in my answer but I guess I just did it in my mind. I hate it when that happens.

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Cub Scout levels are (mainly) based on their grade in school. The Cub Scout Leader Book repeatedly states that once the current grade has been completed the Scout then is able to move to the next Cub level.


In the "Resources and Forms" section at the end of the Cub Scout Leader Book is a chart titled "The Cub Scout Cycle". This shows the cycle to run from June through May. It also states - "Roll over on June 1. Tiger Cubs become Wolf, Wolf to Bear, Bear to Webelos Scouts." The BSA computer system, Scoutnet, does just that. All Cub Scouts are automatically bumped up to their next Cub level on June 1 in the system.


As for continuing to work in his current Cub level over the summer, this is what the BSA Cub Scout Leader Book has to say -


"Each boy should be encouraged to earn the rank for his grade (or age). If a boy is close to earning a badge of rank when the school year ends, he may be allowed a few extra weeks to finish before going on to the next rank."


And -


"The elective plan provides advancement opportunities and recognition for boys until they are eligible to begin working on the next rank."


Since they are "eligible to begin working on the next rank" at the end of the school year, the few extra weeks they can take after the end of the school year is for completing their rank award ONLY, and NOT to work on electives or any other bling they missed out on during the past year.

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Ditto ScoutNut,

except in this area the CM can delay the rollover until School starts by requesting PRIOR to June 1 for a delay to allow the Scout to continue work on the current rank.

But as others have noted, once the School year begins - next rank.

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This chart is also in your Cub Scout Leader Book.


In general June 1, or the end the school year, is considered the date on which Scouts advance from one level to another, regardless of whether they have earned the rank for that age.


As others have said, a few weeks to finish a rank is allowable, but that should be a rare occurance.


Moving from one level to the next should be recognized with a suitably impressive graduation ceremony

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Gunny, someone at your council is confused, or your CM is. The rollover in Scoutnet is automatic, and can not be "delayed". There is no need for a CM (or anyone else) to request special permission from council for a Scout to continue to work toward rank after the end of the school year. They just do it.


The only reason to change Scoutnet would be if the Scout was held back in school, and the parents decided to have him repeat the Scout level (not usually a good idea, but it does happen).

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