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Den Chiefs at Chuckwagon


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Does anyone have experience with Den Chiefs participating and camping overnight with their den/pack? Our Den Chief for our Webelos has offered to participate in our Chuckwagon, and I would like him to. But I'm not sure 1) if it's appropriate and 2) how the camping part might work. For instance, does the Den Chief need to have a parent camp with him, because it is a Cub Scout campout, or can he camp alone, because he is a Boy Scout? Do I treat him as leader and have him man our station in shifts with the other adult leaders? I guess these questions would also apply to Webelos campouts and how the Den Chief participates in those in general. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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I suggest making it easy and asking him to bring a fellow Scout. He can tent with this Scout apart from the Cubs and that way he has a "buddy" for his activities in association with adults.


And yes, of course he should be in uniform, as with most Troop outings.


They will still have their parent's sign a permission form (copies to the CM and Troop outing chair - standard format for Troop outings), and the SM should be aware of the outing - but the Boy Scout youth are NOT adults.


As far as "manning a station", why not let him do what he has been doing - helping the Webelos instead of "manning a station".


I'm sure the Boy Scouts setting up their own tents and maybe cooking their own food would set a good example.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

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Is it appropriate? YES! And good for him for volunteering, it means he is taking his job seriously!


Does your Pack have any other Den Chiefs? Are any of them willing to attend? If so, the Boy Scouts could tent together. If your Webelos Den Chief knows of another potential Den Chief in his Troop, having him come along with him would be a good idea. I don't know if just having another Boy Scout body along simply for "buddy" purposes would work well. The other Boy Scout would have to be committed to working with the Cubs for the weekend, and not just there to camp with his buddy.


I have no problem with the Den Chief alone in his own tent. Especially if he is an older, experienced, Scout. He does NOT need to have a parent present. He DOES need a signed permission slip from his parents.


No, the Den Chief is NOT an adult. He is however not simply another youth member of the den (a big Cub Scout). He is part of the leadership team of the Webelos den, and should be treated as such.


While on the campout, he will be under the supervision of the Webelos den leader. I would let the Den Chief and the Webelos den leaders sit down and figure out themselves where he will do the most good.


As to how he would participate in a Webelos den campout, again he is a member of the den leadership team, but not an adult. He would tent by himself. Webelos den campouts are a great time for the Den Chief to use his knowledge and plan a program for the boys. Again, program planning is done in conjunction with the den leaders.


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Den Chiefs in my council are encouraged to attend camp with the Cubs! They get to have fun with the boys, meet camp staffers, and experience Cub Camp from another perspective.


We treat Den Chiefs in one of two ways -- mentors to the Cubs they came with or as CITs for the time they are there. If the Den Chief would like to work a program area, they are welcome to, if not, they tag-along with their boys and serve as a coach and mentor on activities.


The Den Chiefs also just pay the adult fee.

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Having your Den Chief along is a great idea and very appropriate.


For camping, there should be no problem with him sleeping in his own tent - because he is a Boy Scout he doesn't need a parent along - in fact, it's better if he doesn't - lets the Webelos see how a Scout can handle camping without Dad and/or Mom there to hold the Scout's hands - and that can make the first campout with the Troop easier for a newly crossed Scout - he's already had a positive example modeled for him - but that doesn't mean separate from his Den - his tent should be part of his Den's set up. Unless everyone else is responsible for cooking their own individual meals, he should be sharing in the meals of the Den (many Packs provide the meals as a whole - not sure what you're doing). He would contribute the same individual amount as any other person (though many Packs will "comp" the Den Chief's their meals, and often the camp fees - most people wouldn't complain about that). In case of illness or injury, the Den Leader or the Cubmaster will take on the same kind of responsibility for the lad as a Scoutmaster or ASM will on a camp-out - and ask any Scoutmaster or ASM - it's not that onerous a responsibility and it's pretty rare that it needs to be used.


As for how to use the Den Chief - rather than the Den Leader or a parent leading the Den around to stations, let the Den Chief take on that role - it gives the Webelos a taste of what having a Patrol Leader is like - and lets the Den Leader man a station (make sure you inform the Chuckwagon staff first - just so that no one tries to hassle the Den and Den Chief because they "don't have an adult with them". It helps if the Den Chief is carrying a small day pack with a little extra water and a first aid kit - that eases parent's minds a bit). But, make sure that the Den Chief isn't participating in the events - he's just leading them from event to event (does the Webelos Den have their own flag? Guess who holds the flag when the Den is doing the activity? What? No flag? Perfect time to create one).


Give the Den Chief some camp responsibilities too - if you're having a campfire at your site, have the Den Chief set it up and light it. Or make him responsible for organizing Cub Scouts to fetch water. What kinds of responsibilities are you planning to have the Webelos responsible for? At a meeting prior to the Chuckwagon, it would be very appropriate for the Den Leader to step aside and let the Den Chief work with the Den in putting together a Duty Roster - again modeling what a Patrol and Patrol Leader does. And by all means, put the Den Chief in charge of organizing a final walk-through and clean-up of the campsite - with Cub Scouts AND parents participating. BTW - a smart Den Leader will quietly suggest that the Den Chief bring along a small alarm clock to make sure he's up and at em before the Den is - he could even be the official timekeeper of reveille - making the rounds at an appointed AM time to quietly let folks know, from outside the tent, that it's time to get up and get the day started (just like a PL or SPL should do).


If you've not figured it out yet, I'm a huge supporter of the Den Chief role - Next to SPL and PL, I think it's the most important position a Troop can have - and sometimes I think it's more important than SPL and PL. I've earned both Eagle Scout and the Den Chief Service Award - as I look back, I often think that the DCSA has much more meaning than Eagle Scout (but that's me). But the key to having a great Den Chief is to know how to utilize one. Hope the suggestions have helped.


BTW - welcome to the forum - let us know how things turn out!




(This message has been edited by CalicoPenn)

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