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My basic plan so far


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Okay, so some of you know that I am going to be a Webelos Den leader next year.

So far, I have recieved great ideas, feedback, and great constructive criticism.


So far, I do not have a set plan, but a basic idea of what I would like to do.


Currently, my pack meets every Monday night from 6 pm to 7 pm.

1st Mon is a leaders meeting.

2nd Mon is a den meting.

3rd Mon is Pack meeting.

4th Mon is a den meeting.

5th ( when it happens) is up to den.


WEll, I don't know about you, but sometimes it just sucks to go to work on a Monday, only to rush home and drag out to a Scout meeting. Same for my son. Just going back to school , and loading up with homework for the week.


So why not substitute 1 Saturday meeting for a Monday meeting? We could have a 2 or 3 hour meeting where we could have a fire, go for a short hike, work on an achievement in a more relaxed manner and maybe just relax a bit more. Maybe end the meeting by cooking hamburgers or hot dogs on a grill or fire. And in turn, leave that one Monday off for ..whatever? No need to worry about a scout meeting.




I have seen a lot of great ideas. I kinda compiled a few ideas into one:


Let each Webelos Scout retain his old blue uniform until he earns the Webelos badge. At that point, we switch to the green and Khaki uniforms. At the following meeting, we discuss and talk aboy patrol name and patch. Next meeting, we vote on it, and if practical, I introduce them as a newly formed Webelos patrol at the next pack meeting. Let them stand up and shout out their patrol yell.




I might have been too eager on that one, but (re)figured on 6 a year,. 2 are family pack campouts. Two will be on the CO property - a few hundred yards behind the Co in a soccer/ athletic field. Kinda pushing the 300 foot mark, but close enough to facilities.


Two at a state or local park within 2 hours of our CO. I'll let the scouts and parents decide where as long as the site meets all BSA requirements.




Okay, this one is tough. I don' want to rush it, but don't want to drag butt eithetr. I'll play it by ear based on how the Webelos react. But by having a 2 or 3 hour Saturday meeting each month, I'd think all would have earned the Webelos badge by 6 months. Then it would be various badges and such, without putting emphasis on AoL . We have next year to worry about that.


But as for activity badges....I'm thinking 2 whatever, 1 required ( citizenship), 2 whatever, 1 required(fitness), and by then, they have earned the Webelos badge and are already working on compass points. The rest of the year can be working/ preparing towards year two, but mostly just fun stuff while also earning extra activity badges ( and Compass points). Maybe some fishing and a water park or something of that nature.


I'm thinking that this way, there is no rush or stress next year on the AoL and it allows plenty of time for redoing any activities that have been already used for Webelos badge.


Our Co also sponsors a Troop so I don't really see an issue with getting a Den Chief. Matter of fact, I'm planning on talking to the SM next week about working out a rotation of Den Chiefs. There should be plenty of time to allow for 3 different Den chiefs to serve their POR in my den for a period of - at least - 6 mos each.


Okay, I didn't mean I would limit that oppertunity to just my CO's troop, but I may give them first crack. But while I'm at it, if we (hopefully) have 3 dens instead of just two.... That should work out to 3 POR's per year for 3 different troops. I'll have to mention this to the other DL.


So, this is just my idea. It may not be practical partially or entirely.


Well, again, I'm open for constructive criticism.

Lay it onme!



Thanks......... Mark




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have you bought two webelos books yet??? One for you and the other for your scout???????

Read the parent section. The book is critical for your planning the next year.


Well, my bear is really excited about graduation to the Webelos. His biggest thrill is the new uniform. He says the cub uniform is too hot, makes sense, we were at summer camp 3 weeks last summer and he was hot in the Dark Blue in the sun.


I would probably would replace one of the camp outs with a hike or outing with the boy scouts. Irregardless of what you hear on this forum, Camping with a Troop can be one of the best motivators.


I don't see any resident camp. I have 100% signed up and 80% paid. waiting on word from council about a couple of camperships, well it is irrelevant, if council says no I have a couple retired scouters who said they will take care of it. No scout should be denied camp because of money.


If your group cannot afford resident camp, Camperships or You could find a free or cheap place to camp with a lake and conduct it there.


Right now it looks like the Webelos I will have the choice of crossing over, they will all have the importunity to earn the AOL by May.

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Uniforms - NOT UP TO YOU - Weather they wear blue or tan, and when/if they move into tan, is (per BSA) an INDIVIDUAL FAMILY decision.


Advancement - A 2 or 3 HOUR meeting each month to work on Activity Badges, and Webelos rank requirements?!? Why not just kick the boys out now!


BSA recommends working on ONE(1) Activity Badge per month. What exactly are you pushing your boys for?


Holding 3 - 1 hour den meetings per month (den meetings do NOT have to be at regular meeting place/time, can also include outings), there should be no problem having most/all of your boys earn their Webelos rank badge by February of their 4th grade year.


Den Chiefs - You seem to be under the illusion that Den Chiefs appear at the snap of your fingers. The BOY SCOUTS have to AGREE to take on the responsibility of being a Den Chief. The Scoutmaster can NOT FORCE THEM! It is THEIR CHOICE. This is not a popular POR. As a matter of fact it is one of the hardest, and LEAST popular. These boys must take an all day training, attend an extra meeting per week, work with den leaders who treat them like tall Cub Scouts who are there to be their own personal gofers, and lots, lots, more. These are SCOUTS, learning leadership, not widgets interchangeable every 6 months.


As you have been told before - TAKE WEBELOS LEADER SPECIFIC TRAINING - BEFORE - you start making all of these plans.


There is still at least 2.5 months of the BEAR year left. Work with the boys in the BEAR program NOW. Get trained and figure out Webelos then.


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Uniforms - Let the boys decide. Both uniforms are allowable and can be worn if they so choose. This does not however prevent them from having a plan for uniforms if the boys and parents wish. (Our Pack in fact hasn't seen a blue uniformed Webelos in years)


Advancement - Once again, let the boys decide. Many of our Webelos this past year wanted Super Achiever (all 20 badges) and they did it. A three hour Den meeting once a month will not "Kick the boys out." That is if you plan it right. It can't be three hours of desk work or it will accomplish it. If you break it up with fun activities, etc. then you can be successful with it. I wouldn't do this more than once a month though, and keep in mind that it would need to be on a weekend, which might make it harder for some boys. When you make you plan, try to be as inclusive as possible so boys do not feel left out.


Den Chiefs - As stated, the Boy Scout needs to be sold on this. Additionally, while they only need 6 months of service, if they wish to get their Den Chief award, then they have to serve for a full year.


As has been said, take the Webelos leader training. I think that you have a good plan to start, but you might decide that you want to tweak it a little.

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Sounds like a game plan to me . 2 things.


1) there is a Webelos Leader's guide that has lesson plans and ideas on how to run den meetings. Been a while since I read one, so I don't know how helpful or not it would be. I know I use Program Helps this year. So that may help with the advancement.


2) In reference to uniforms, my personal opinion has been to let them wear the blue uniform as long as they can fit into it or want to wear it. THEN move into the CUs.


You see originally Webelos were authorized to wear the ODL in Aug 1984. The rationale I was told was that a lot of 5th graders had outgrown their CS uniform and it was a waste of money to but a new blue uniform for a few months. Grant you some folks DID have some room to grow into their blues( like myself), BUT as soon as I could get into a ODL I went for it, and I was in that first group of Webelos to wear the ODL instead of the blues.


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in referecent to the 3 hour meeting, you do mean 3 hour outdoor activity right? a 3 hour meeting can be BORING, but a 3 hour outdoor activity that has fun and excitement, coupled with a little advancement is doable. I remember going to a contruction site that happened be about 150-200 feet up in the air over the MS river for Engineer. I remember a "pool party" at the YMCA to work on Aquanut, I mean Aquanaut ;)

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As far as uniforms go you also haven't taken into account the new families that may be joining you. Why on earth would they buy a blue uniform for their son to only wear it a couple months then tell them they need to now get a tan one?


In our pack we tell all of our new Webelos parents to go ahead and buy the tan uniform shirt. Any returning Scout is welcome to wear his blue uniform as long as it still fits. If he needs to buy a new shirt because he has outgrown his old one then they are told to go ahead and buy the tan shirt. One of our Webelos who is on the smaller side had the blue shirt until Arrow of Light because he never outgrew it! Most of our Webelos were given the tan shirt with all their badges on it as a Christmas gift during their first Webelos year anyway!


About Saturday meetings to subsitute a Monday meeting they are a good idea in theory but how many of the boys have a younger brother in Scouting? If a few of them do then the parents and the boy are going to have show up at a Monday meeting anyway and he will have nothing to do. If none of your boys have a sibling in the pack then the Sat thing may work...I dont know about a 2-3 hr meeting one Sat every month. That could start a burn out real quick.


We also did not wait to do Patrol names, yells or flags. They voted before they were officially Webelos at their last meeting as Bears. They went to Webelos Resident Camp their first year as a Patrol with their flag and yell in place as well as special T-shirts that said Webelos Dragon Patrol and our pack number. That made them more gung ho and excited about the Webelos Program because it was such an immediate change from the same old Cubs program they had been doing since Tigers!


Get Webelos Leader trained ASAP, take IOLS (or webelos outdoor if your coucil offers it), and get BALOO trained!

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Everything ScoutNut said.


Whatever happened to weekly Den meetings? No, do not take time from your youth with a "leaders meeting." Have a den meeting. You, your ADLs, and your Den Chief can have chilidogs together offsite off night.


BTW, Mondays are also typically Boy Scout Troop meeting nights. Are you overtaxing any potential Den Chief, who also has HOMEWORK to do? You might want to meet on a Tuesday, if the Troop meets Monday...

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Ok, a few misunderstandings here.



This is not my "This is what you will do" plan. Rather, basic ideas I had and thought the scouts might like. Ultimately, it has to pass muster with the committee /leadership/parents and scouts. But I thought about presenting it to them to get their thoughts and imnput.



The first one is my fault: I was planning on asking parents/ scouts about the uniform idea. My bad, I was thinking it, but didn't type it.Alot of the boys can't wait to switch, but I didn't want to toss out uniforms that were still good. Figured earning your Webelos badge was a justifiable reason to get the new colors.




Scoutnut: 1 activity badge per month over the course of the first year. but pretty much, I did think about doing them in that order:


"I'm thinking 2 whatever, 1 required ( citizenship), 2 whatever, 1 required(fitness), and by then, they have earned the Webelos badge and are already working on compass points."


This is a 6 month span. They could earn their Webelos badge in 6 months, but not all meetings are specificallt geared to rushing the Webelos badge. But, at the end of that 6 months, they would have 3 of the 4 badges needed to finish out The Compass Point.

But the Webelos wouldn't be earned until after the 6 month activity was finished. That way there is catch up time or extra time if need be.


As for the 2 or 3 hour meeting, it could be whatever. I just thought having it on a Saturday instead of Monday night would be cool and not the : "Rush to get home from school, get cleaned up, eat , then off to scouts then hurry up and get home for homework then bed." routine.


I am scheduled to take OWL, WLOT, or whatever it is called ( depends on who you talk to) and Webelos specific leader training. But that will be next month on the 27th and 29th. I have already taken BALOO, YPT, Weather Hazzards, Trek Safety, and Webelos Leader fast start ( yeah, I know that is ...ummm... minimal to non existant as far as practicallity).


I haven't ditched the bears. I am only ADL right now, and since the boys all earned their rank badges, we are mostly doing electives and catch up with one or two scouts who haven't ranked yet. For the most part, everybody is on idle/ low gear now that B&G is over. I couldn't tell you why though.


But I agreee about meeting being other places too. That was my thoughts behind Saturday meetings. Maybe at a park, maybe at a zoo, Battleship, historic fort, etc. We could have fun, explore and earn badges and just enjoy the camradiere . Good time to cook out too - toss some hot dogs/ hamburgers and fixings in a cooler. I could always bring the charcoal gril and tailgate if we couldn't find an on site grill or build a small campfire.


John :




The leader meeting on the first night is a done deal. It's been that way since ..well..way way long ago. Since the early 80's as far as I know. We meet every Monday as I explained. Same thing - been done that way since before I gave scouting a single thought.


Now as far as den chiefs go, the boy scouts meet immediately after we do on the same night. Some of them are already there, hanging out tossing a football, kicking the soccerball chilling out.








WEll, could be indoors/ outdoors or whatever, But I sure didn't mean me standing up and talking the whole blah blah time. I meant activity. Could be a museum, historic fort , battleship, or whatever.


Maybe I'm wrong, but alot of activity badges can be earned while doing these things. Sure, you won't earn Aquanaut , but others like traveler or scientist could be earned. Matter of fact, I even figured out how at least 1 requirement of readyman could be met by going to either a civil war fort or battleship.


I'd love to take them fishing. Wether on shore at the nbeach, a river or our soundside park with a ..ahem.. (kinda, sorta) fishing pier. LOL



Now, I did mention that these were all ideas - nothing set in stone. I also mentioned that I wanted feedback. And I love it, But a few of you sorta read more into it. I did not say I decided I would have a different den cheif every 6 months. As I stated in the very beginning, it is just an idea.


We do have a troop sponsored by our CO , and at least once a month, the SM or ASM asks if anybody would like to the use of/ help of/ experience of a den chief.


I also see Den Chiefs mention in here alot. Seems that they are used quite frequently. Yeah, I know that it isn't always a success story, but that was something I was willing to do just for their benefit. It doesn't matter to me if it happens or not.


So anyway, I appreciate all your inputs. I'd rather be told an idea is completely stupid in here than find out with the boys later. I mean, I can handle screwing up, but I don't want to waste their time while doing it.




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Wow people, relax. He needs trained, not in a woodbadge way, but a cub scout way. Actually he needs experience, nothing time and mentoring won't fix.



you are going to screw up, trust me we all do. You know it is ok. The boys probably won't even notice. The boys attention will fade and come back, just the way they are. They still are boys.


What you are planning is more than most scout troops accomplish.

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I open to any ideas, Especially the "been there, done that" stuff.


I'm not trying to be radical, nor change the status qou of my packs program, but sometimes, it seems like the same program with just a different rank in the name.


I want to stick to the pricipals, but maybe make it a bit more interesting.

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Kings, I love it, My issue is that i over eat and end up miserable in about 20 minutes. You'd think I had of learned by now , but....


Bum's restaurant in Ayden is awesom. Talk about old school country cooking. Been 7 years since I ate therre, but the special was trout. Walking back to my car, I saw people out behind the restaurant cleaning fish. Not your frozen food kind of place.


So here is one of my problems... Your Jambo in Kinston is the same weekend as our spring pack campout. Also our "Formal " Crossover ceremony with OA Indians and thuis year, we have both active and retired military conducting a flag retirement ceremony.

I say formal as we had a basic ceremont Monday as a crossover. Kinda the justice of the peace ceremony as compared to a big wedding at our campout.


Then during resident camp, our pack ( at least in the past) has their own summer fun day thing.


Now, I don't want to lie, give out false info or whatnot, but I also know that in the past, not enough parents cared to volunteer, so our CM was also our CC. The ACM was the MBC The den leaders were committee members.

No, not a good idea, but what can you do?


Luckily, this year things are different,. alot of new scouts and alot of new leadership/ committee mebers. Now each position of any leadership or comittee is held by a different operson.


Anyways, back to what I was saying. I don;t think my pack did much daycamp, resident camps or such as a pack or even as dens. Most of who did it , did it on an individual level.


I do think out current Webelos II ( yes we call our 1st and 2nd year I and II) leader did it as a den last year.


I'd love to do this myself, but again,I don't want to come of as "The new guy who id trying to change everything".

Also,our council is having a 3 part CSI ( Cub Scout Investigators) camp. 2 different weekemds.

Well, I'm sure your council has/ has has the same thing.


The part that sucks is that our pack campout is held on the second weekend of CSI, which is also the same weekend as Jambo in Kinston.


I wasn't a cub or boy scout as a youth, so most of what happens at Jambo or camps is totally foreign to me other than what I read here.

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Such is my life.


All of the good stuff happens on the same weekends. You think someone at council would try to help spread it out a bit.


All that good stuff makes for tough choices. What I would do, is at the committee meeting ask to move the Pack activities. That is the only thing you can do. If they say no then it gets to be political roulette. The CSI sounds fantastic.


Hopefully they understand.

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