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Scout Skills stations


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In march we are having a pack campout. At which we will be crossing over our W2 to the BS troop. They will cross over saturday evening and then spend the night with the BS troop as their first troop campout.


We are looking to have some basic scout skills stations during the afternoon. What are some of the things that you think Cubs would like or could use.


Here is some of the things that we were thinking

First Aid

Ropes and knots

fire building




What are some other things that you would suggest?

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Sounds great!


Involve the new Scouts with "cracker barrel prep" & "dessert" prep & cleanup.


I'd have my PLC pick 2 from Short's list (keep it simple, keep it fun), but add a station for some of the Scout rank req. you can knock out.



# Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance ----> perfect for morning flag ceremony


# Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake. ----->Right after the morning flag ceremony.


# Demonstrate tying the square knot (a joining knot).


# Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath or Promise, Law, motto, and slogan, and the Outdoor Code. -----> Good time to do a quick LNT talk (police campsite & cleanup fire remains).


# Describe the Scout badge.


I'd stress using the Troop guides to run the stations but let the entire troop help with the Scout rank items.


(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

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I'm not sure if you're looking for activities for the new crossovers or the Cubs still in the pack, but if it's for the Cubs, our council had a nice, impromptu raingutter regatta at their overnight camp. They gave out blocks of 2" pink insulating foam, dowels and card stock for a sail. Each boy and his father then carved the foam, decorated the sail, and had several opportunities to race his boat. It was one of the most popular stations.

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We're looking at doing some scout skills stations at our spring camping trip. Here's what I have come up with so far, first aid, map & compass, knots, fire building, leave no trace. I want to do six, so I'll be looking through the other suggestions. I was planning on doing 20 minutes for each, so the boys would rotate through them all in two hours.

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At our Webelos invitational we run a number of stations. The station just before lunch is box oven making. The next station is to build a pizza from a tortilla, two spoons of jar pizza sause, a handfull of grated cheese, and a few toppings (pepperoini, olives, bacon, mushrooms, etc.) Place the pizza in the box oven they just made and wait a few minutes while it heats up.


Sometimes we have a third station of making a charcoal chimmeny from a #10 can and coat hangers. Punch a row of holes space about 1 inch apart all the way around the can along the first crease with a nail. Thread the coat hanger wire through in a criss cross pattern and bend the ends to keep them in place. Use a "church key" can opener to make triangle holes along bottom edge. Punch 2 more holes at top edge and bend a coat hanger into a bail wire handle.


We also had a flag station. Properly fold an American flag. Learn how to be an honor guard to raise and lower a flag. The lashing station lashes three staves into a pole about 15 tall. 4 tent stakes and some guide lines hold the flag pole up. An eye hook and some 1/8" braided nylon rope in the end of the top stave serves as a way to raise and lower the flag.



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one our cubs always enjoyed was learning about how to take care of a cast iron dutch oven - cleaning, storing, using. we used same D.O. over and over for that part, but then we had enough for each station and then for enough dessert for everyone. because they then learned how to use different styles of manual can openers (the twisters for tigers and wolfs - the ones on a swiss army knife for bears and webelos) and made up cobbler that the adults would then cook up for evening dessert.

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Now are you talking about activities for the Weebs crossing over or the other bear and wolf scouts?


If you are talking about for the Webelos, I would hope they have your first activity list mastered. Our bears can tie all of Basic boy scout knots.




How about asking the scout troop to put on something........Maybe with their Troop Guide?????


Bear Wolf your list looks ok but.........


How about some free time???


Glow in the dark frisbee and light sticks for after dark.


The boys do not need every second of the day planned.


How about some creekin?


I would not do anything that could be accomplished at a den meeting.

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We had a night hike at our pack campot.


Now realize, we were not just in the woods. We were at a Presbyterian camp, A rough camp,but a camp none the les. There were "established" paths and trails that interconnected between open filed, narrow fields (more like a dog leg on a golf course) and nature areas.


We waited until at least an hoyr after dark and told all participants that they could NOT bring along any lights. A few adults brought some just in case, but didn't use them during regular hike.


It took about 4 minutes for everybody to realize that once their eyes adjusted, they could actually see better without a light ( as you can only see in the light disbersment area).

WE saw yellowish eyes in tree canapies. Owls I guess?


Oh yeah, only scouts who had a parent accompany them could participate.


And out hike leader gave every Cub Scout this one important piece of advice before we started: "If something crawls across your foot, don't bother screaming, because they only bite once!" LOL!

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