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need some advice

bear dad

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Hi all need to get some input for our problem.

We are a fairly new unit done some pack meeting and we are running into problems not getting dues paid, by 1 group. Our CM has told everyone about these dues at pack meeting and not getting them from 1 group. was told that some money has been paid but only a couple and for 1 month?

Boys have started asking about our PWD, told them we don't have funds enough cover it yet.


Also with rechartering around corner don't think it is sinking in with parents.I am DL and most of den has been good at paying, we probably have enough to get cars from what has been collected so far, but any advancements and such would be little money left over for.

How can we make it clear that this all takes $ to run a program without hurting people feelings or making people mad?

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We changed up our PWd this year.

Used to, the cars were given out at Christ,mas to all the cubs. On PWD day, you showwed up, paida $2.oo fee to cover the cost of tropheys, ribbons, cars , etc.


But it was a pain trying to figure out how many ribbons, tropheys etc to buy. One year everybody showed up. Next year, 3/4 showed up.

People waited too long, toolate to pay .

So this year, we are doing somethimng different. You can pre register ahead of time for $2.00 . on PWD day, you just check in and put your car through inspection.

If you wait til PWd, you pay $5.00 and you wait until the pre registered boys from your group check in. then you register, go through spec and what not.


Our cutoff date will allow us to order the correct number of trophy ( we can order extra ribbons, without ordering TOO MANY extra ribbons), and figure out a time line for our events much better. Plus the pre registering will steamline thuings and we can spend more time racing.less checking cubs and cars.


Hopefully, the extra $3.00 fee will prompt everybody to register ahead of time!

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Oh, and for those who don't pay general dues, registration fees or recharter...

We will not ban a cub from attending den or pack meetings, but will inform parents that there are no advancements, belt loops, badges handed out or participation in events such as den/family campouts, day camps, or any Council events. do it for two years and you are dropped from the registry.

Having said that however, we do have a program in place for cubs who are affected by finacial burdons. We will not ignore or sidestep around a child who for economic reasons, cannot afford $18 a year or the ability to buy a uniform or cub guidebook.

We will not punish "Johnny" because mom or dad lost a job in these economic times or if "Billy's dad died last year and his mom just barely manages to survive. These boys need scouting more than anybody!

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We laid it on the table for our families at a perent meeting. It costs this much to re-charter, Boy's Life is this much, a PWD kit is $x, a badge/belt loop/pin are this. You get the picture. Add in a B&G fee for each boy (covers the cost of their meal and goodie bag),den expenses, leader training costs and re-charters (we leaders give of our time and money, so paying my BSA expenses is fine with me) and so on. We figured it costs about $125 a year to support a Cub in our pack.


We then pointed out to our parents that there are very few kid activities cost so little and are so great for the kid. Hockey is huge in this area as is soccer. It costs $400 -$4000 do those things here year round. Cubs is the deal of the century.


After the eye openning, and the frankly put message that if you don't pay your fees and fund raise were out of business. We haven't had a family not pay up (we too help those down on their luck as needed)yet. We also added that they got to tell their kids why the pack went under if the funds weren't paid.


This type of discussion has done the same sort of thing when it comes to getting adults to volunteer for pack jobs. You don't help out, the pack will dissolve when these families cross-over. And you can tell your kids that since you won't help they can't scout anymore. Works everytime.

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Wow...and we are working on turning ours around because we were at 60% last year. That is an issue! With a group that size though, you should be able to talk to each of them and find out why. Your Pack may also want to consider doing what we do...charge dues for the entire year up front. Then people don't so much see it as something that can be put off.

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Thanks for the suggestions, sorry for the brief comment Basement dweller, was in a hurry when I wrote that. Yes only 4 boys out of the 19 we have sold any popcorn, grant it that couple joined after that but still?

We started our unit around time of take orders,sept. All parents and Boys knew this was going on so it was not a matter did not know.

We had a lot struggels getting going but got there.parents knew this was a way to fund the scouting program so had little or no out pocket expenses, they chose not to sell fo whatever reason?


As a new unit we knew we have to have dues in place so we can afford to these things, and we knew for some it might be hard to afford, however, as a pack we decided only to a small dues of $5.00 a month which we thought would cover some VERY Basic things, PWD,Badges,etc..

We thought if we could do little things the items like camps and such could be funded by other things like popcorn or?


Also we started like most of you we had ZERO $,

and we had to wait to get the little popcorn money we got.Yes it would be nice if all parents would pay upfront, but if we have over half not paying now, don't see how they would pay up front?

Can tell you we were pretty generiuos with what we gave boys, in fact we gave them most of the money, thought is we kept some for pack and gave them some in account for them, which I think it will probably be used to pay for dues if they have a hard paying them now.

Couple of boys sold a little but what they sold could pay for most of their dues and 1 boy just blew them away he has enough to pay camps, etc so he is set, but HE WORKED FOR IT!


I am new at this but as rechartering fast appoarching think we have some real trials adhead, we as a pack do not have the funds in the account to pay for it, so we might have to it this BLUNT WAY,PAY TO PLAY, not a nice thing to say but I can not understand how parents are not grasping the $ issues, ideally when boys goes to boy scouts, these small dues, fees are going to seem like a pretty good deal, compared what I have seen troops charge with all they do.

Sorry for the LONG STORY, best wishes to you all.

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Next pack meeting, have a couple den leaders (who are current on their dues) take the kids so that the Cubmaster and Committee Chairman can meet with the parents. Give everyone a copy of the pack budget and current financial statement. Be sure to use BIG RED NUMBERS where appropriate.


Explain to them what recharter is. Let them know if their sons are not current with their past due dues and have not paid whatever the recharter fee is, they will not be included in the recharter and will be dropped from the pack. This is just hard, cold reality. While you would love to have the pack front the money for those in arrears and keep them on the charter, there is no money with which to do that.


Until then, all pack activities are on a pay-as-you-go basis. This includes advancement. Scouts may still complete requirements and the pack will record advancement, but until all the dues are paid, the pack cannot afford to buy the gizmos for the Scouts who are behind.


Beyond that, you need a nest egg just to cover the float and to help out families who may be in a tight spot. Truthfully, if you guys just started in September, there wasn't much hope of selling a lot of popcorn. Don't beat yourselves or your Scouts up over that.


You need to look for a spring fundraiser. If you have a Chick-fil-a or a Pizza Hut locally, talk to the managers there. Both companies will do events nights where they give community groups a percent of the night's profits for bringing in extra business -- you have to go out and promote the event and try to get as many people there as possible. Car washes and yard sales are good, too, because you don't get stuck with a ton of candy or wrapping paper if it doesn't sell.


Talk to your CO. Assuming the CO wanted the pack (vs. the pack went out and found a CO just to provide meeting space) maybe they could give you a few hundred dollars in start up money. If you start putting out some inquiries, you may find a kind soul in the community who would make a similar contribution to the pack. Strictly speaking, individual units can't go out and ask for direct contributions from the community. But if you work though your chartered organization you'll be okay.

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We collect dues at the beginning of the year. $36 per scout.

That's $18 for registration, recharter,etc. and $18 for pack expenses such as awards, badges, and the first belt loop in any elective - all addituional belt loops are paid fro by parents.


As far as popcorn, well, I leave my house at dark, and usually get home at dark. I rush straight to meeting on den nights and pack nights. I do not have time to sell pop corn. But we have an opt out for fundraisers: Sell popcorn, chicken dinnertickets and wreaths , or donate $20 at each one of these fundraisers in leui of participation.


I still help raise money and usually give around $50 instead of $20.


The biggest issue with popcorn is that it happens right after scout roundup, and popcorn neds to be passed out during new scouts first pack meetings.

No biggie for the experienced scout parent, but very overwhelming to a new scouting parent!


And natualrlly, we have no problem for any parent chipping in to help pay for or donating supplies such as are needed for projects, wether it be lumber, glue,pencils, nails or just plain money.

I myself have started discussing maybe collecting $1.00 a meeting to help offset costs.

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Bear Dad, contact your DE and see if your council can help with scholarship money to pay registration fees for families in need.


As others have said, the Pack can't pick up the costs for everything if they have no money. Make everything at this point Pay-As-You-Go.


Let the families know that the reason is that dues are not being paid and under 1/4 of the boys sold any popcorn at all.


Put another fundraiser together (don't forget to turn in the Unit Money Earning Application to your council and get it approved), and let your families know that participation is the best way to not have to pay out of pocket.




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First thanks for the advice, much appericated.

As to Scoutfish, I understand about popcorn deal we was new however, take this example 4 boys sold 3 of them sold close to the same amount say within $15 of each other, the other filled up 2 completed sheets, so even if given a short time think more boys could have sold something.


ScoutNut, we have planed a garage sale fundraiser as the commitee got together and we tried to plan our first year, we got 6 monthsdown, thought we were doing the right things. The sale was to be for helping pack and we have plan a Pack campout, which we going to use some money for food, ect.. so family could come out that might otherwise could not afford too. We are trying to keep everything cheap as possible as know it is tuff on people.


Myself only one that works at house not a great paying job, but blessed to have it! When I do things for my den, I am thrifty as possible, lot of parents don't know I am paying for things out my pocket.We made some stuff and have some wood at house and bought a object to use for each, which it self was cheap but when you add 8 it get expensive especially over time.


least right now the boys in my den are having a good time, which is the object anyway. thanks

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A quick bake sale out in front of a Walmart or local grocery store should net you a quick couple of hundred dollars.


Your experience with popcorn is pretty typical. What I gather is you are using individual scout accounts for the money. A great move and I applaud your effort. Did you put 100% of the money in each scouts account? We have taken 10%-25% or so for the pack and then the remainder in the scout account.


What you could do for the PWD is give the boys who sold popcorn their PWD cars and charge the other scouts for theirs explaining about the scout accounts.


Dues are a funny thing too. Some den leaders view it as their money to buy crafts and what not, and some Treasurers view it as the Packs money. We don't bother with dues, too much of a hassle for the little bit of cash collected.


Fundraising is perpetual problem in scouting.




Goodie bag at the blue and gold banquet? you have got to be kidding me. I am guessing it is a difference in cultures between rich suburbanites and poor rural and urban folks. Our blue and gold is at the CO the boys make the decorations and center pieces. Everyone brings a side and the CM BBQ's a donated pig. Good cheep fun.

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Our popcorn sell cut to the pack was about what yours.Now if every boy sold a couple hundred dollars that would be different. I don't like the ideal of dues but if you don't fundraise you have to do something.


Hopefully it will work out, as for me I pay for any supplies out pocket for my den, that why I watch closely what it cost, I am trying to help as much as possible.

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That is fine, Time to fix it.


Bake sale my friend.


Everyone brings something.


If your Charter Org. is a church a bake sale after Sunday service is fantastic.




Saturday in front of a Walmart or Large grocery chain.


Use your littlest cutest tigers to get them in.......and sell them chocolate chips



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