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Den Chief on WEBELOS den campout

The Blancmange

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Our WEBELOS den is planning a campout. As it is WEBELOS den camping, each scout will have a parent with him. This is the first year I have had a den chief and would like to invite him, but was not sure if it would be appropriate, as he would not have a parent along. Particularly, how would we handle sleeping arrangments, where each WEBELOS was to tent with his parent? How do others handle this?

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Thanks for the replies. I didn't mean to suggest that the DC should have to bring a parent, but rather was considering the fact that this is a Cub outing, rather than Boy Scout outing, and while he may be a leader, he is still a youth. Perhaps I am just overthinking this. Two of us going are registered and trained Cub leaders. The DC is very gung ho about his new position and I want to encourage him.

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Do invite the Den Chief along. The Den Chiefs we've had over the years loved going on campouts with their Dens. He will be a great asset to you and the boys will like having him there, too. What better way for those Webelos to see what a Boy Scout does than to have one along on the campout - setting up his own tent, taking care of himself. Marvelous!

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It may be a Cub Scout outing, but the Den Chief is an important part of the Webelos Den. I would think it might be odd if he wasn't invited to come along - I'll bet the Webelos would wonder where he is.


Your Den Chief will be a great resource for the weekend - he should be involved with the planning of the activities for the campout, and should be given important tasks to do, not just serve as a den watcher. By important task, I don't mean do all the camp chores, but lead a scavenger hike through the woods, or set up and run a short orienteering course - with instructional time involved, or demonstrate fire building techniques, etc. etc. In fact, I wouldn't expect the Den Chief to do any chores the WDL isn't going to be doing too. He's going to be a great resource when families set their tents up - and take them down. He can lead the Webelos in a post camp walk through to pick up litter and make sure the site is left better than found - modeling Leave No Trace camping. If you're cooking as a Den (suggested, rather than having each family pair fend for themselves), he can be involved in helping that go smoothly as well (just make sure he's not the one doing all the cooking and cleaning up - you have a partner, not a maid, along for the weekend). In furtherance of that thought, If it were me, I think I would build in the cost of the food for the Den Chief(s) into the cost to the families - it would be a nice thank you for the help he's giving over the weekend.


If you're worried that he'll feel an odd man out - it's not unheard of to invite another Den Chief from the Pack to join the campout, even if it's a Wolf or Bear Den Chief. Two Den Chiefs sharing the duties can really help make the campout a success (I'd give them the duty of setting up and MCing a Saturday Night Campfire) - and a bonus for your Pack is helping to retain a potential future Webelos Den Chief. If you don't have a second Den Chief, use the opportunity to let your Den Chief invite a friend from his Troop - now you have a potential Den Chief recruit coming along.

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We've had den chiefs join our den campouts, and it was always a great success. If he's into the job enough to want to come along, he should do fine. We always had ours tent alone.


On another point:


As a side note, Webelos doesn't need to be capitalized.

What shortridge means by this, I believe, is that it doesn't need to be in ALL CAPS. It does need to be capitalized.


You can find lots of details on how Scouting uses various words at the Language of Scouting Web site: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Media/LOS.aspx


Some of it is pretty consistent. I think it feels wrong to capitalize Web site, though. And it says that Webelos is only used as an adjective. The boy is a Webelos Scout, not a Webelos. This seems to be contrary to how almost every Cub Scouter uses the word.

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Take your Den Chief. He's part of your leadership team. If you do not take him, you need to have a business conversation with your Cubmaster and his Scoutmaster about why you are relieving him of his Position of Responsibility for cause.


Is he really that bad?? He's there to help your young people learn. Let him help teach cooking to your young men. Let him help teach tent pitching. Let him help with first aid, or a game.



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John-in-KC wrote:

Take your Den Chief. He's part of your leadership team. If you do not take him, you need to have a business conversation with your Cubmaster and his Scoutmaster about why you are relieving him of his Position of Responsibility for cause.

Is he really that bad?? He's there to help your young people learn. Let him help teach cooking to your young men. Let him help teach tent pitching. Let him help with first aid, or a game.


I've re-read this thread and have no idea where these comments are coming from. In my original post, I indicated that this was the first time I have had a den chief. One would think that this is a good development. It wan't donein our pack until I requested it.Since I have not had one before, I reviewed my training materials and G2SS, and could not find any specific guidance. So, I posted a question here.

Later on, I stated, "The DC is very gung ho about his new position and I want to encourage him." How we go from that to "Is he really that bad" and needs to be replaced for causeis absolutely beyond me.

Sheesh, indeed.(This message has been edited by the Blancmange)

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I think John may be deliberately exaggerating the situation. You see part of a DC's respobnsibility is to accompany his or her den on all activities, esp. Webelo DCs as they should be outdoor experts and can be a very big help. Heck I know of DCs who basically planned an entire trip with the WDLs anf all they and the parents did was sit back and relax. HE organized the, like a patrol, created a duty rooster win which everything was split up, came up with activities, etc. etc.


So by not allowing a DC to accompany his den, it may appear to others that the DC isn't doing his job properly and that you do not feel comfortable with his leadership and outdoor abilities.

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