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Just joined with a question on Cub Scouting/National


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Are most people doing advancement in their dens? As a den leader, I've been doing this as it is hard to get parents to do them at home. My Cubmaster pointed me to a youtube video- in the search you have to put in seperate words cub scouts top hands, that talks about the "new" Cub Scout program. It is also on a new web site for "cub scouts 2010" - found it in google. The guy in the video seems to get it, not sure who he is and if he is in charge of cub scouts, it is the best stuff I've seen in a long time.


Is this a new National trend to put advancement in all the dens activities and the question is- Will more parents participate? In my den, the more advancement, the more parents we get involved, but is this just us? Thanks, look forward to joining the discussions!

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Great question....


I have always encouraged my Den Leaders to do advancement activities as part of their Den meetings. In my opinion, this does two things. First, it provides group opportunities to complete requirements. Second, the advancement requirements, in my opinion, are better activities than making sock puppets, or imitating dinosaurs (or some other silly program helps games).


Not that I am knocking program helps, but the cycle of losing boys starts when you place high expectations on the parents to help in a program they do not understand (you think Cub parents spend any time on forums checking out the latest trends in scouting). then the boys do not advance...the boys become discouraged...the parents do nothing to make the situation better...and the boy has dropped out of the Pack.


I would rather retain my boys, send them to a troop prepared to take on Boy Scout responsibilities, and let them sink or swim from there.



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If you read the info on the "Cub Scouts 2010" page then you should already know BSA National's position on this.


It is not a new "trend", it is supposed to be the new Cub Scout program starting next year.


There have been many discussions here on the Fast Tracks program which you can find if you do a search. Some people love it, some do not. I am in the latter group.


As another optional resource, like Program Helps, it is fine. However, as the one and only way to do the Cub Scout program, nope, not a fan.

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As a Den Leader, I have some stuff that is done in the Den, and other stuff that is done at home. Specifically, those items that are "Family" items or religious related.


I might have some of the boys share what "Family" stuff they have done so others can have ideas. Plus, the boys always love talking about themselves.


The main thing I have with my parents/scouts is that they need to look at the handbooks and not just set it aside until the next meeting. Most of the time, they realize that oh.... we do this, and this, and that, and oh this too. Before they realize it, they've done a bunch of stuff, they just didn't know it was stuff that could be taken credit for towards advancements. This is where the Den Leader comes in and does point this out as a friendly reminder.


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