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Transfer - Lost Book


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"The boys father told his old pack did not use internet advancement and therefore his advancement would not be on ScoutNet. "


So what did the old pack's advancement chair say when you contacted him/her? What did the people in the old council's office say when you contacted them? (If you don't quite believe the father, why haven't you fact=checked him?)


In my experience, most parents don't know that much about advancement. People think the Scout Fairy brings the magic badges--and doesn't keep records of who got what.




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Of course you could always stick the kid in a dark room with a bright light and interrogate him until he cracks, lol. Come on now this really is a simple matter, have the family get the evidence from the former pack leaders, records or a simple letter stating Johnny earned the following awards. You don't need to make a mountain out of this molehill of a problem. Let the parents do the contacting, it is not the responsibility of the new pack leaders, and until the evidence is obtained let the boy participate like there is nothing wrong.

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