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AOL Clarification Needed


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When I was a Webelos Leader, I had them crossover as soon as they earned the AOL, which was exactly 6 months after they had completed 4th grade (they had all the other requirements done).


This caused a lot of irritation and confusion in the Pack as they believed that no scout could ever crossover before the Blue/Gold and recharter in February. But the boys were more than ready to crossover, they knew exactly which troop they were going to. It was much better for them, than if they had to wait. One of them is earning his 1st Class Rank tonight at the Court of Honor.


Mr T

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We've experienced three different packs (one folded; one wasn't a good fit; and the last seemed to be the best compromise) in our town, and I've heard about a few other packs in adjacent towns.


While I haven't searched, I don't know of a single pack that has a February B&G (they must be out there somewhere!). All the others use the B&G as an "end of year" awards banquet, and most hold badges/ranks/etc. until then. Also, their "program year" then suspends until fall (September roundup, October first pack meeting -- so pack meetings only run October through March!).


I really don't like that practice. In fact, I dislike our present pack's B&G so much (identical to last year, and the year before that) that I asked my young Webelos if he wanted to wait until April to crossover. He said no, that he wants to crossover when he hits 10-1/2 in early March. Maybe he's reading my signals, but I don't think he is enjoying Cub Scouts so much any more.

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