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Recruiting Den Chiefs


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My son was truly blessed to have a heck of a nice kid as a den chief. I was the Den Leader and the DC stayed for 2 years. He was the SPL when the den crossed over. I asked him along with his parents to undertake the task. Kid was never a cub. He is currently one MB from Eagle.


My son just did about 14 months as a DC. He liked it , he liked the boys, the boys liked him. My son has his BOR for star coming up.


Good sevice was modelled by the older boy , my son just copied it.


I think you have to make sure the DC parents buy off on the concept. They will be running around for materials and helping the DC prepare. If this kid is barely active as a Scout he is doomed.



Hit the kids who were cubs first. Most kids get the idea of being a mentor. Some kids want to be a hero, which is exactly what they become if they do it right.


Ask the SM which kids would be best suited. I've seen many more kids fail at it than succeed.


I hope this helped. Best of luck.

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The DC doesn't need to have been a Cub Scout to do a good job. Sometimes simply having 1-2 younger siblings is enough. One can always teach someone the skills to be a good DC, but one first has to start with a boys that really cares about younger kids.



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Den Chief is a great position for boys that get along well with younger kids but are too geeky, smart, or uncool with the older boys in the troop. They usually have a great time and will bring the boys into Boy Scouts maybe not with your troop but somewhere.

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Also look for your hypermotivated young Scout who may be willing to serve as a DC. I was one such lad and did 3 years with a DC. thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


With my old troop, once we got a feeder pack, we developed a very strong relationship with them. Since we had a large troop with only so many PORs for Eagle, we needed an outlet and used the DC. Usually ther were 1st.Class or higher, and had served as an APL or higher before becoming a DC. Only with a few exceptions, Scouts who had younger brothers, did we allow someone with any experience do the DC job.

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"How do we encourage the Boy Scout to be a Den Chief?"


Having the SM buy into it is the first step. Many SM's out there don't see a need for a DC, and will not recognize the position.


Approach boys who have brothers and/or parents still active with a Pack.

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