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Webelos Super Achiever


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by the time my den ended it's 2 years of webelos I had 2 of my scouts earn the super achiever (our patch was the first on linked by mcdurmll)


for Forester and Naturalist we have a near by wildlife refuge that offered programs that the boys did. For Geologist a nearby county conservation group offered a program that my boys attended. One of the dads was an engineer and he came in and worked with the boys for that, and the building the bridge is still my sons favorite memory. For the Artist my step-mom is an art teacher and she came during one of our summer meetings and worked with the boys on it. Readyman we did with another den and another den from another pack - they had a first aid/cpr instructor who had everything and worked with the boys... also can contact your local fire department.


We met once a month during the summers (after Bear and between Web I & II) for a couple of hours to do the "good weather" pins. Then during the school year we met twice a month. The "required" pins for Webelos Badge and for Arrow of Light were the only ones I would offer makeup days for - the rest they had to be there for or make up at home and document their work. Otherwise the only one they did at home was Family Member.

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I am proud to say that 4 of our Webelos will have earned the 20er award by out bridging in february! #5 is bummed, but he flat out refuses to do some of the aquanaut requirements, #6 hasn't done anything at home. Sorry, but if the requirment says "discuss with family member", there's not much we can do there.


Personally, I think that if anything working on each and every aspect of the webelos program has really benefitted the boys. I mean, how do you 'choose' which badges to skip?

Each badge is designed to teach the boys something (ok, while I don't really understand the point of some of it, lol). The things they've learned from boy scouts, from the 'specialists' we've had come out to see us, and from trips we've taken will hopefully make them better all around productive members of society, not just 'get them thru' the Webelos program.

All this stuff is availible for us to do, and the webelos book is packed with stuff geared toward 10/11 year old boys. If as leaders we offer them exciting, fun activities, they will jump into it with both feet. We are still kinda cool at this age, might as well make the best of it and help 'em along the path to becoming decent human beings.


I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why NOT try to get all 20- they are right there for us! Isn't that kinda like telling a boy scout that he only HAS to work on the eagle merit badges, so why try to earn more of them?


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"I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why NOT try to get all 20- they are right there for us! Isn't that kinda like telling a boy scout that he only HAS to work on the eagle merit badges, so why try to earn more of them? "


Gosh, I looked back at my earlier post and I thought that the reason I posted was pretty clear but let me try again.


The reason is that I recommend against trying to get all 20 and having a recognition for all 20 is that my experience has been that boys who do that tend to get burned out and either don't them move to Boy Scouts or if they do become Boy Scouts, they tend to drop out early or else they and their parents become totally fixated on advancement and don't have a balance of the other 7 methods of Boy Scouting.


You mentioned that one of your Webelos Scouts is bummed because he didn't get aquanaut. Let me make sure that I understand. He has had a great Cub Scout experience, he earned the Webelos Badge, he has earned the Arrow of Light, he is ready to become a Boy Scout and he is bummed???!!! That's horrible!! If I understand what you have written, in my opinion, if that has truly happened, that Den and Pack have their priorities so messed up that it hurts!!


And as far as your analogy, the correct analogy would be to set up a system where if a Boy Scout chooses to earn only the necessary merit badges for Eagle and doesn't try to earn all 121 or whatever it is now, he should feel bummed and a failure.


Others may have a different experience and I respect that, but if you want a reason, that's the reason. It is misprioritizing the Cub Scout program and seriously overemphasizing advancement and activity badges.

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  • 2 months later...

I was scanning the internet and happened upon this forum. I am looking for the super achiever patch or it's equivalent because our council has decided to stop getting them in. (anyone with options here?) I happen to have 7 out of 8 of my boys reach this level. While I don't think that any of them were pushed to the point of not having fun, I feel that it was only 1 more activity badge than was required for arrow of light, so why not. The one boy who did not do all 20 decided for himself that he was not going to do aquanot. The only one not happy about it was his mother. All my boys were wanting the SA, and were very happy to do whatever it took to get it, and had fun doing it. We are on Long Island and I found many ways to achieve our goals. I can pass on the info to anyone that needs it. I know it wasn't always easy finding things, but they are out there, just ask around in your area.

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>> " I feel that it was only 1 more activity badge than was required for arrow of light, so why not." >>




To earn the Webelos Badge and AOL you need to earn a total of 8 Activity Badges.


That leaves 12 - NOT 1 - more to earn in order to receive a Super Achiever/Heavy Shoulder patch for earning all 20.



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NeilLup: I can understand where you are coming from worrying aobut the boys burning themselves out by doing too much. So far this year my boys (Webelos 1's) have done 10 badges and will have done 15 by the end of the year. Some of them are do at home badges, and others have been short and easy badges due to the help I have. Doing all 20 badges with my boys was their choice and they are having a fun, I feel they are getting a chance to sample a lot of different things instead of doing what I pick. When they become boy scouts they will know what they like and pursue that, and they probably won't do the badges that are similar to the those in Webelos that they didn't have fun with. They are getting a taste of many different things this way, I don't force anything on these boys.


There are so many badges that can be done in a den meeting or in 2, why not have them work to 'Do their Best' not the minimum. My job as a Webelos Leader is to prepare them for Boy Scouts and that is exactly what I am doing. There are ways to work in the 7 methods of scouting into the badges you just have to plan for it.

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ScoutNut: I was told that the boys needed 19 to complete the compass emblem AND get AOL. I had questioned this over and over, but I guess I did not ask the right people. I thought it odd that there was only 1 more to get SA. But my boys had seen it done before and they wanted it, so I worked hard to help them achieve it. It didn't really hurt to keep the boys active and earn a special recognition in the process.


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Hello Pack15nissan,


I appreciate your comment. However, it really isn't just worrying on my part. Rather, it is based on a certain amount of experience. It can be very easy to risk burning out Webelos Scouts. It is great fun for the adults and the kids will do what it is suggested or implied that they do. Even something said like "Wouldn't you like to try for all 20 Activity Badges?" sets up the challenge for the Webelos Scouts. But there is the risk of burning out the Cub Scouts and the parents in the Webelos year and also the risk that they they join the Troop, there will be nothing new as Tenderfoot Scouts. Everything will have been done previously as Webelos Scouts.


Let them get into a bit more depth as Webelos Scouts in some of the activities. Don't make them stamp collectors trying to do everything that's out there.

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Windy - The Webelos Compass Points emblem is simply a way to keep track of how many Activity Badges have been earned. Yes, IF the Compass Points emblem is filled, the Webelos will have earned 19 Activity Badges, with only 1 more left to earn all 20.


However - a FILLED Compass Points emblem is NOT REQUIRED to earn AOL.


The Webelos Handbook clearly explains the requirements for both the Webelos Badge, and AOL. Webelos need to earn a total of ONLY 8 Activity Badges to earn AOL.


Congratulations to your boys for earning all 20.


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NeilLup: I can understand your concerns and perhaps even your experiences with burned out Webelos. However, perhaps you or whomever you are drawing your experience from went about it in the wrong way. Boys need to experience or at least have the chance to experience all that scouting has to offer not just what the leaders and/or parents care to show them.


I will have gone through 19 activity badges by the time my boys move up, some parts are homework but a good portion is done in patrol meetings. Every boy has a chance to sample everything and when they come to something they don't like, they usually don't do the homework and don't finish the badge which is fine to.


I realize that some times experience leads the way and can point you in the right direction, you learn from the mistakes and success of others. However, you must admit experience is never complete, because of differences. No 2 groups are the same, you must adapt to your group and until you have seen it all and tried it all you can't assume the outcome will be negative.

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  • 3 months later...

I've worked with two different dens over the years and will be working with a third. I have always made available the oportunity to earn all 20 activity badges. I believe almost everything can be presented in a fun way. For some of the dryer stuff, we did game shows style activities or homemade board games. Parent specialists were brought in to teach part or all of certain badges, field trips were taken. For at least half the badges the boys had to complete one requirement on their own and prove it. For example, for scholar the boys had to meet with their teacher and provide a signature. For family life I sent home a guideline with signatures needed by parents in several areas. Burn out, no, I believe it set them up for success or at least realistic expectations in boy scouts. Badges in boy scouts are not handed out to all who show up (at least not in our troop) the boys have to do the requirements and often have to do at least a few at home. In one den of motivated boys most of the boys earned at least 17 of the badges, all earned arrow of light, 4 out of 13 earned all 20. Of those 13, all moved on to boy scouts, 12 stayed over 1 year, 9 stayed for 4 or more years, 4 are eagle, 3 are life and 1 of those should reach eagle in the next few months (project is finished). Of the 4, 3 are still involved and one moved (unknown). The other den had a few motivated boys, but more were there for the social only. Although all earned arrow of light, 3 did not desire any beyond that, 2 earned 18, and 2 earned all 20. Only those who went beyond stayed with boy scouts for any length of time. I only see 2 who have the motivation to achieve eagle (younger group, so don't know yet).

I didn't know about or super achiever did not exist at the time. I created a den certificate for outstanding effort for the ones who completed 20. They earned it.

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