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Big PM problems


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Granted, I only have your end of the conversation, but I also think this Pack isn't a place where you can spend your volunteer time well. Volunteerism does not come with a contract to have to fight every issue in a boxing ring; it should be collaborative and rewarding.


I'd contact the Institutional Head (also called Executive Officer), and ask to visit. I'd also ask the COR be there. They need to know what's going on. The COR needs to understand he's not a figurehead.


Once you've done the exit meeting, quietly, with no talking at the new unit, move on to a new Pack. If you're serving as a Den Leader, it's within bounds to tell the parents you are moving to better places as a Scouter.


Good Scouting to you.

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The cub master needs to be removed ASAP. He is to be a figurehead at Pack meetings only and act as the leader at Pack events or District/Council events that the Pack attends if you do not have an activity chair.


The Committee Chair is the one who is supposed to run all the committee/leader meetings, sets the agenda, and recruits the pack leadership. That is person who is in charge at the Pack level. Leadership issues should go to your COR and Unit Commish first.


To feel better, you can simply have a vote about the situation and have the CC carry out the "firing". If he won't go after the real Pack Leadership says he has to call your Unit Commissioner or District Exec.


If his actions warrant it, the Council Scout Execute can remove him scouting for any period of time he desires.


If you have enough people to together for training, you may be able to schedule the trainers to come to your unit to provide your training.


Get a couple copies of the Cub Scout Leaders Manual for the pack library. It details each position and their duties, among other other things.

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  • 3 months later...


Quick update....


I didn't quit. I signed up as CC, replaced the CM with care and diplomacy, and built a REAL committee. We had a hugely successful summer program and the parents had so much fun that many are now on the committee. We had a great recruit night and have almost doubled the size of the pack.


Most of this was done because of training...the biggest core problem with the entire unit. I have come to this site almost nightly and learned so much from all of you and wanted everyone to know how helpful you have been.


I am very overwhelmed with all of this and going through a few growing pains but things are moving forward and the pack did not die.


My point is this....follow the structure of BSA, get people trained and use the resources available to you and things WILL work out!

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