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Packs Merging


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I know this is an old thread, but this is new to us. In our school district, they are taking two schools (K-6) and merging them. Basically one school will be k-3 and the other school will be 4-6. It looks like the PTA''s will merge to form one. These two PTA''s are the chartering organizations for both of the packs. Our DE''s do not want them to merge because of pack #''s, but it would be a paper nightmare, IMO, if we merged everything except on paper.


How would you merge? Do we need to re-charter or do we have the boys of one pack transfer over to the other? If you don''t merge, how do you handle pack $''s?


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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I would think that transfering all registered Scouts and Scouters to one of the Packs would be the easiest way.


However -


Since the PTA''s will be merging I am assuming that the name of the new PTA will be different from that of the other two. That might have an impact on the 2 charters. Since the name has changed it might require a brand new (3rd) charter. Your DE should be more helpful and get you some solid answers.


Good luck!

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Hi mkahler


I hate merges and splits. They are emotional and rarely is everyone happy. Maybe you can help make this go easier.




How many scouts in each pack?

Do both packs function OK or is one a lot better then the other?

Have you polled the adults in both Packs and how they feel about it?

Have you considered two packs under one charter and meet on different nights? I will add that recruiting is a pain if you considered that.

Is one pack older then the other, more tradition?

Would the families of one pack have to drive a long ways to the other school?


As you answer questions, here are a few thoughts from thinking back to experience.


Merging into a brand new pack can be expensive in getting a new flag, patches and equipment with a new number.


Keep everyone informed so that nobody feels they are being taken advantage. Some folks just hate change. Other folks think that tradition is very important, and they may have emotional attachement to the unit.


Wait until May you do merge and combine the crossovers with into the new merge dens. Make a celebration of it and have all the Den leaders there so everyone feels they are working with the same leaders.





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I''ve tried to answser the questions. I appreciate the comments and suggestions.




How many scouts in each pack? 35 and 28 = Total 63

Do both packs function OK or is one a lot better then the other? I would say that our pack is more organized. Not that the other pack isn''t funtioning well.

Have you polled the adults in both Packs and how they feel about it? I talked with the other CM and we our both in agreement that the packs should merge.

Have you considered two packs under one charter and meet on different nights? If we did this, then why even merge. Also, this would separate the boys, even though the schools are one. (Them vs. us)

I will add that recruiting is a pain if you considered that.

Is one pack older then the other, more tradition? They are both about the same in age. We are both the oldest schools in the district. We are both over 25+ years chartered.

Would the families of one pack have to drive a long ways to the other school? The schools are approximately 1 mile apart, so we were thinking that we would hold the pack meetings at both schools, alternating them monthly.


We were also thinking that we should merge during our re-charting. My pack''s recharter is March and there''s is in February. If we do it at this time, then this is one less thing the boys need to worry about when school starts up.


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From your answers, I think a merge will work. But, you and the CM? First each pack needs to get the committee on board. I know how some units run and that may be a no brainer. But trust me that this is what the council will tell you to do anyway. Then if all is well, call a meeting of parents for each pack. That will be the test of how well it works. I suggest the committees of the other pack attend each parent meeting to show support and answer questions. You MUST have the DE and UCs attend as well. It always looks better if you can get the Council Executive too. The meeting must be specific. Explain the reasons for the merge and the advantages. Keep it positive and have a written plan for everything including the what the pack numbers will be, meeting times, leaders and so on. Try to leave no room for questions. If the parents see how well you are organized and understand the need for the merge, you will do OK. You will know how well you ran the meeting by the number of questions. Make this a seamless as possible for the Den leaders.


I would not start a new pack unless you see that is the best way to keep peace. Personally I would change anything until after May if that means boys change leaders. You can recharter if you like, but changing dens disturb the routine of families.


Good luck.



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Barry (and everyone),


Thanks for all of the sound advise. Over the next few months we hope to have things ironed out and I will let everyone know what the outcome is.


I love the Cub/Boy Scouts! There is so much enthusiasm and advise out there.


Once again, Thanks everyone!

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Several school districts in our area have adopted a similar re-structuring plan to what you describe and yes, it tended to cause some issues with packs that traditionally recruited from separate schools. Some packs chose to merge. However, many did not and instead, they hold a common round-up night at the school but they maintain their separate packs based on the neighborhoods where most of the kids live (ie, the old school boundaries). When new families come to round up, the leaders have a big map and they show the families where most of the boys from a given street/block/part of town go. They don''t force a family to join a certain pack but they''ve found it tends to work out that way because the kids already know the other boys from their own neighborhood and they are more likely to spend time together after school, etc., anyway.


This seems to work for them but it does require a good relationship between pack leaderships and a willingness to MAKE it work. No fighting for boys or poaching each others'' memberships.


Please keep in mind that at the end of the day, the decision to merge has to be one that people beyond the CM/CC of the packs sign on to. You have to have your chartered organizations put the pressure on your DE to make this happen. Since your COs are the PTAs and they are merging too this is probably do-able, but expect push back from the DE on it. Make sure your COs are clear on what they want to do with their packs, and why, before you start talking to the DE.

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