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Uniform Closet??


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I was wondering if your District/Pack has anything like a "Uniform Closet"?


This is essentialy where your district/pack collects uniforms, scout uniform accessories, handbooks etc. from those in the community who no longer need or want them to make available to any new potential scouts/families who want to join BUT ARE UNABLE to pay for these items.


I am working on establishing something like this in our district and am looking for some input.


Happy Trails & Safe Scouting!


Larry Brooks

Unit Commissioner/Pack Trainer

Sam Houston Area Council

Texas Skies District

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check with your district office. many will have a sort of scholarship for these families.


in ours - they supply the uniform for the kids - ask the pack to waive any pack fee - and encourage participation in the fund raising as well as parent participation in the pack (helping den leader etc...)

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We don''t have any in our council to my knowledge. However many units around here run there own, and often will help other Scouts (in other units) if asked. My troop is just getting our uniform "bag" organized. We bring the bag with odd uniform parts (mostly stuff our Scoutmaaster buys himself at thrift stores) that the Boys can get. We generally ask they trade something that no longer fits or offer some kind of donation to help SM get more stuff. However if a boy just can''t afford of course they will get a started set for free.


As a side note I have thought a lot about trying to start a national uniform closet program through InsaneScouter which would be some kind of pictures / available list online and managed through mail regardless if trade or small fee. The problems to make this happen from how to handle shipping costs, get the starting inventory, volunteers to help run it, organizing it, and on goes the 10 mile list has prevented this idea. If anyone thinks this is a good idea and has ideas on how to make it work, let me know...


Anyway as always just my wacky 2 insane wild cents...



Scott Robertson


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We do


Something to keep in mind. We have a person (a committee member over equipment, to be specific) who is in charge of the "uniform closet". We have found that if no one is designated to be in charge of it, uniforms and other materials tend to disappear or become forgotten. This defeats the purpose of the supply because parents and leaders pay little attention to it and it is no longer used for families who need it.


When organized properly it is invaluable. I''d make sure there is a checkout list and an inventory maintained. Have parents sign out for any uniform or materials they use. Make sure that if they do not return the materials, they should reimburse the Troop/pack (A Scout is trustworthy). Materials not returned cannot be used to help another family.


Eagle Pete

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We have a fantastic one with hundreds of uniforms. It''s housed in the back room of the business run by the volunteer -- good for him because we always buy something when we''re there, good for us because the uniforms are free. Most of the uniforms he receives are from thrift shops - he went to each one, told them about his program, and they donate them whenever they come through. He just has to pick them up when they call. Goodwill was especially accommodating. He takes them in any condition, fixes them if he can, uses them as camp uniforms if he can''t. As far as *need*, they don''t ask a Scout to show need. They only ask that if you take, you give as well if you can.


On top of the regional one, we keep a troop closet downstairs that parents voluntarily stock. For instance, I know we have a snow campout coming up in January, and came across a rummage sale that had 10 bibs of various sizes for $10. They''re now downstairs waiting. Boots, backpacks, and camping gear are there for the taking.

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While we do not have a "uniform closet" in our Pack, we do have funds from our CO that are earmarked for the purchase of a uniform for any family that needs help. Most of our families who balk at the cost of the uniform will hit the local thrift stores, garage sales, craig''s list, and ebay, and usually find what they need there.


The accessories like hat, belt, and socks are not required. The Pack provides neckers, slides and handbooks to all Scouts.


I would not recommend including used handbooks in your closet. They would tend to be well used, written in, and not necessarily with current information.

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We have a uniform bank. We pay $5 per shirt or pants and send them out at the same price. keeps the bank full because the scouts want the $5 when they outgrow the uniform.


Before we did that, the bank was always empty and the families that needed it most wouldn''t take them. Now it''s not charity it''s business.

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