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Wearing two hats?


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Our pack is in need of a CM. I have been a Webelos leader the past 3 years. But I am also CC for our Troop. The Troop runs smooth, a lot of old time dedicated scouters involved who know what they are doing. The "Pack" though is in a little trouble. Lost 50% of our leaders. Including CM And Asst.CM and 3 den leaders. Right now we need A CM to be able to go on. The CC herself was going to move on since her son moved to the "Troop" 2 years ago, but has stayed on because of the situation. The CC and COR have been working diligently to get a candidate but as of yet have not recieved a positive response. As I am not overloaded as CC of the Troop, I am thinking of stepping in and offer my services As CM on a temporary basis. They would have to KEEP trying to find a permanent CM. I believe I am very close in being up to date on the training to be a CM. I know this would be a temporary fix but it would get us past a sticky situation for the moment. I also understand that it is not really the best situation, but some times we have to do what we have to do. Of course I would talk to the leaders of the "Troop'' before I did this and see what they think. Any Input?

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I think you could do it. A lot of people wear two hats, having one role in the troop and another in the pack. If the troop committee is working smoothly, the CC role might not be too bad. The CM role, though, is typically a pretty big effort. If you''re going to do it, do it right.


I think that if you step in, you''ll need to be prepared to do it for a year. In fact, your very presence will make it less likely that someone else will volunteer for the position. Perhaps you could work with the CC to identify an eventual replacement, and you can promise to do the job and train them for a year, and then have them take over.


Or, if you''re willing to do the job for a longer term, go right ahead.

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If recharter time comes anytime soon, you will need a new CM. Internet recharter will not let you slot anyone as both CC and CM.


If you are the CC, you have a default backup role of Cubmaster during any vacancy for any reason:


Pack Committee Chair


Qualifications: Is at least 21 years old, subscribes to the Declaration of Religious Principle, and agrees to abide by the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law. Possesses the moral, educational, and emotional qualities that the Boy Scouts of America deems necessary to afford positive leadership to youth. Is appointed by the chartered organization and registered as an adult leader of the BSA. Is a person of good character, familiar with organization procedures, with a deep concern for the pack''s success. Preferably is a member of the chartered organization, respected in the community, who shows the willingness and ability to be the Cubmaster''s chief adviser.


Responsibilities: The pack committee chair''s job is to



If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered.



TAG!! You''re it.


May I suggest it''s in your best interests to go to your COR and start the recruitment, selection and training process for a new CM???(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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I have known people in the past to do both a Troop role and a Pack role. As I recall the rule book says you cant be CM and SM ...but other wise its fine


I really like the idea of find a replacment and take that person under your wing and train then on-the-job and then you slowly back off and let them fly. This could take 6 months it could take 2 years ... just depends on the people involved...


No matter some one has to set up and be the person to save the show and be there for the kids...


Just my wacky 2 cents...


Scott Robertson


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Yes, I am CC for the "Troop" not the Pack. I am a Webelos leader for the Pack. We are chartered through our church and meet on Sunday nights and are considered part of the Childrens Ministry. The "Scouting" program at the Church has been going on for over 20 years. Yet there are some new Leaders in the Church who I believe do not see the value in the program, especially the Cub Scout part of the "Scouts". We do not want to give them reason to cancel the Cub program. As I said I would only want to be there until they get a viable CM. Being CM is a big job. What we do have in our favor is that the Pack CC was the former CM and knows the in and outs of both positions. She really does not want to drop being CC and become the CM. She herself wanted to move up to the Troop but as I previously stated she stayed in her postion with the Pack to see if we could not get this situation straightened out. We still have some time before we have to re-charter.


We do have a Parents meeting coming up to explain the situation to them and hope we are able to at least get some of them to step up and "volunteer" to help in areas we need help. We do have a policy at our church that if a person already works in a ministry at the church we can not "recruit" them to work in another area of the church. They can, but they are the ones who have to offer their services. So most of the parents already serve in other areas and we have to walk a fine line in recruiting and that tends to limit their participation in the Cubs program. That is the situation.

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