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Hi all


It's been a long time since I've been on here looking for things but I know you all are great with the help you dish out and send my way so I thought I'd come back and ask yet another question.


When living in Florida, I kept running across this website that talked about Scouts and the National Native American....something or another. It was held every year, somewhere, but I can't remember where. Seems to me it was in Michigan. I know I had saved it to my favorites folder but since then my computer has crashed (several times) and I have lost the information. Does ANYBODY out there have ANY idea what I'm looking for?


It was some kind of event that was held annually and it seems to me that scouts were the main target, with some kind of national Native American Award. Also seems to me it was a weekend or week long thing that you had to sign up for, so that you were "camping" the entire time.


ANY help anybody can provide would GREATLY be appreciated.






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There are several large Pow Wows in MI every year and I know many scout groups visit. But I don't know of anything with the title you suggest.


There's this one, coming up in a few weeks, that specifically includes/invites Scouts and is being held at a Scout camp in Southern MI: Wood Lake Pow Wow #20



Also, I don't know if it will be helpful to you, but here's a link to a National Pow Wow calendar that includes a great many events, including several upcoming events in FL. http://www.manataka.org/page828.html


If you do find something else, I hope you'll let us know!

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