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Den w/o Leader....who do you expect to step up and what if no one does?


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We had a few vacancies w/in the Pack. We had a parent meeting the other night to explain these vacancies and attempt to fill them. We filled all immediate need vacancies except the Webelos II den leader and assistant leader. Putting the first and second year webelos together is not an option for us this year, as the numbers are too large to do so.


It is felt w/in the leadership that it ultimately should be up to the webelos II parents to step up to the plate on this matter. Ironcially, not a darn one of them bothered to show up to the parents meeting.


A letter has not been sent to each of the Webelos II parents explaning the situation and that without a leader, we won't be able to have a Webelos II den.


In the event that no one steps up to lead their son's den, what would you do? Do you feel that ultimately it's up to the parents of the den to fill the role if all parents have already been asked and no one wanted it?


It would be a tragedy, in my opinion, to have to send these boys to another pack, as many have been there since Tigers. BUT, if their parents aren't willing to step up to the plate in a time of desperate need, then what's left to do?

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I expect a parent to step up, I did.


If they don't, get in touch with some of the Commissioners in the area and see if there is a parent in another pack who is looking for a place to assume some leadership.

Or if there is someone who followed their son up into Boy Scouts who wants to drop back down, hopefully this doesn't put the Boy Scout program in a bind, or, maybe you can find someone who wants to work with the older boys for them.

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First, NEVER - EVER get up in front of a group of parents and ask for volunteers! You are lucky you got anyone at all to come forward. However, what you got was any warm body who would take the job. What you need is someone who is willing and able to do the job right and to get trained.


It is very easy to ignore a general request to the masses. It is even easier to toss a letter in the trash and to assume the ever present "some other person" will step up.


BSA has put out a couple of brochures that address this problem. The one for Cub Leadership is -




Basically it says to put together a list of the people you WANT for the job, and who you feel would do the right. Rank them from 1 to ?, with 1 being your first, top pick.


Then go and visit these folks FACE TO FACE and ask them personally. Give them all of the requirements of the job. Let them know how long they will be required to do the job. Offer them mentoring and any help they need to accomplish the job.


Start with your first choice. If, despite your best efforts to convince them, they decline, go on to your second choice and so on down your list until you get a yes.


People find it harder to physically say no when they are asked face to face. It also makes it harder to decline if you can answer any questions, fears or concerns they might have right away. Having someone they can go to for help, questions, suggestions and mentoring as they are doing the job helps too.


Do not just rely on your letter to the Webelos parents. Contact your former Webelos leader and get his/her take on the parents in the den. If there are siblings in other dens, talk to the den leaders. Make a list of the Webelos parents who you want to take the leader positions (you need 2!). Then get together with your top choice in a comfortable, relaxed environment, convince him/her, then go on from there.


If all else fails and absolutely none of the parents will agree to do this for their boys for their last 6 months in the Pack, (not really likely if they are approached right), then follow thru on the threat you made in your letter. Send them all a list of contact info for the other 5th Webelos dens in the area and wish them well.




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when we had the parent meeting, it wasn't to put anyone on the spot and ask them to fill a position...it was a planning meeting where we discussed the calendar, the pack rule changes, what activities we'd like to do again, what we'd like to change, what we'd like to add, etc and talked about the vacant positions in the Pack. No one was asked to volunteer right then and there. It was just informational, to let people know where help was needed. It was after the meeting that folks came up and said they'd like to take such and such spot. No one was put on the spot in front of a crowd.


As for last year's Webelos leader...he's still with us. However, he is taking the first year Webelos this year (he absolutely did not want the second). (side note, his son is no where near the webelos dens yet, but has stepped up to fill this spot anyway). We've personally (cubmaster or I) have asked two specific webelos II parents if they'd be able to help out, both of which said they couldn't do it. That leaves 5 other parents, one of which isn't the parent, but the grandmother who picks her grandson up and brings him to meetings since his parents won't for whatever reason. So, we're down to four. One other we'd really like to see take the position, BUT, their son doesn't even attend meetings until Christmas time b/c he plays football and games and our meetings are at the same time/day. The other three parents....one's son is a hit or miss at meetings...he rarely comes consistantly. Then there's the other two. One would likely not be a good leader. They're of the 'dropping him off for you to babysit' variety and don't attend any events which actually require them to be present. That leaves one other parent who we can't get a read on at all. Maybe we'll be surprised by him. I don't know.



it wasn't a threat in the letter, explaining that without a leader we wouldn't be able to serve that den....it is however, a fact of the matter and one of which should be pointed out so that that urgency of the situation is better understood


as for our chartered organization, they've absolutely nothing to do with the Pack nor the Troop either. There's no actual involvement on their part. As for the Troop, I have a son in the troop and they are going through some major issues with leadership right now and are barely afloat.


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Why can you not ask the grandmother of the one boy? What about other grandparents or aunts, uncles, cousins etc. etc. The leader doesn't have to be kin at all as long as they get proper training. We actually had this EXACT problem a couple years ago with the WebII leader moving before school started. My DH the CM tried everything and everybody he could think of, no luck. Instead of letting the den fold (we are the only pack in town) he stepped up and led the boys until crossover in April. Now we probably could not do it as he is the CM and SM and I am WebII, Wolf and Daisy leader but if it came down to letting the den fold I'm sure we would try something even if all of us leaders had to take a month at a time leading the group.

Just be sure in your selling tactics to STRESS the point that it will be a short year if everything goes as planned!


Good luck vibes going out to ya!


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Beagle Scout, no changing date/time is not a possiblity. We meet at a church and it has other activities going on every other night of the week. There was talk of changing dates before, but our meeting place can not accomodate a change. As for time change, the football games around here can start as late as 730, so we're talking 9(ish)pm before a meeting could get started. For elementary school kids, that's entirely too late.


Cubbingcarol, about the grandmother....she has privately told me that she is in over her head as is, but would happy to help with activities such as dinners,etc. But, a full time position isn't something she's up to.


We have inquired to another grandfather who brings his grandson if he'd be interested, but his grandson isn't a Webelo and he absolutely wants to remain with him.


Last year our Cubmaster filled in at the Webelos den until we found a leader (the aforementioned leader who's son isn't a webelo, but filled in anyway--bless him!). However this isn't an option for us now, as he is military and deploying to the mid-East for several months soon after our scouting year begins.

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Try having the den meet at another place, which would be able to accomodate another day of the week. A local school, the den leader's home, a park/rec building, another church where a pack family is a member. I know some packs have a practice of all the dens meeting at the same place & time, but this is not a requirement.


Some flexibility in the meeting place may make it more convenient for another adult to participate.

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Does your Pack have a Boy Scout Troop that you have close ties with? Do they have a Assistant Scoutmaster who would be willing to fill the roll? This would help the Troop out when these boys are ready to cross over. They will already have a working relation to that Assistant Scoutmaster.

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Could you talk to any of the people in your CO's church who don't have boys in your pack? There may be a couple of adults with older children who would be willing to do this for 6-8 months. Or, if the CO church isn't interested, start thinking of the other social networks you have in the area. Leaders do not need to have children in the program, though in most cases I suppose this would be ideal, and they don't have to be affiliated with the CO (as long as the CO is ok with this - which most are).


Also touch base with your DE and perhaps your district membership committee (if they are active). They ought to be able to give you a good read on what other units in your area are robust and might have an "extra" adult to lend a hand. Just because your son's troop is a little weak in terms of leadership right now doesn't mean that all troops in the area are.


Does anyone from the pack attend roundtable? This is a good place to talk with leaders from other local packs and troops to see if they know someone who could help out too.

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When I was an ASM, I went back to Webelos II to fulfill my Wood Badge ticket and help a group of boys make the transition. I had so much fun working with the boys I did it for a second year and then stayed on a a Webelos leader trainer for several years afterwards. It truly is the best years to be working with boys. briantshore's got a really good suggestion about talking with your Troop. At the same time get a Den Chief too, when they cross over that DC became TG and continued helping with the transition.


When one of my Webelos finally earned his Eagle, at the reception afterwards he said except for his Dad, I had been with him in life more than anyone else and he appreciated it. I had 4 Eagles out of the two groups I helped make the cross-over to Boy Scouts.



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