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Den money question


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Hi first of all I wanted to say how wonderful everyone her is. Thanks for all your help.


Here is my question - the comittee decided on a fundraiser selling wreaths in the fall and Munsons candy in the spring. We don't get any money for our dens (which is ok) many dont ask for dues (because they can't predict on how much the need for the year)My question is can each den do their own frundraising so the kids can earn there own way to special events to earn specific badges or something fun they can do for all there hard work, supplies ect. We would pick one more fundraiser that would be optional and if the den wanted to participate the fundraiser chair would keep track of each dens money on who earn what and give it to the treasurer to deposit and they could then once a month or so turn in a sheet with all expences and request the funds. This will teach the kids to earn there own way through scouting. Is there anywhere that says we can not do this type of thing. I cost our troop 60.00 per scout for the events that we have 50 scouts. We have some partents that really want to fund raise and others want everyone else to support there child and do nothing. i'm really hoping this could work out!

Any advice greatly appreciated Thanks

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Packs do money-earning events to fund the costs of operating the pack. Dens (being part of the pack) should have their expenses paid through the pack treasury. If the pack is operating properly there is no need for individual den fundraising. This is discussed in the Cub Scout Leader book.

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When my husband was a den leader and then a cub master this qusetion came up often because MONEY is always a issue. Our pack only had 1 fund raiser per year(the ever so pricey but politically correct popcorn sales). Our pack consisted of many boys from 1 school but from varing degrees of how much money they wanted to support the pack with. We NEVER wanted money to be a factor as to weather a boy could go to a scouting event or not. So we our PACK paid for almost everything pack related such as awards, blue and gold, pinewood deby cars etc. We asked for the least amount possible to make all things like camp outs (where we provide food) and all field trips. We have so many fund raisers from every organization in town we have tried to keep it limited because many parents and grandparents just feel so beat down with them. But a group car wash or garage sale is fun when EVERYONE takes part in them. On our den level we really tried to promote be frugal because some just want to spend to see how fast it goes and that just isn't fair if your on a tight budget unless they want to pay for everyone. My husband did try and collect $10.00 per semester to help cover the cost equally for everyone, knowing honestly scouting is not a cheap quality program to do. 1 year our Webelos den boys did deside with their parents approval they wanted to go on a farewell field trip 12 hours away ( to sleep on the Lexington Aircraft Carrier overnight) and the families together dicided that they would ALL work hard to make this fund raiser successfel so all could partisipate. From what I understand in our coucil you can not have indiviual accouts at the den level. Only at the boy Scout level.Because when a boy moves on money does not follow him. It becomes the property of the Head organization (Like the Pack).

So we tried not to indivually fund raise to much. Because if you let parents think that scouting is the cheapest activity in town they don't think or care about it as much as other things. Look at how much people pay to put their kids in sports and in our area they take all prioity because people say that they spent so much of their hard earned money on it so they don't let their kids miss or anything.

But in the end we don't want a boy not to be able to have fun in scouts just because of money. We always work with those on a case by case thing. Because some just want a FREE ride and others truly can't afford it.

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Per the Cub Scout Leader Book, dens are NOT allowed to do individual den money-earning projects.


The PACK can do as many money-earning events as it wishes. However, if it is not a council sponsored event (like the popcorn sale), the Pack MUST have their council approve a Unit Money-Earning Application BEFORE the event.


The BSA literature & training advocates having dues the boys pay to their den leader each week. The boys "pay their own way" by doing chores at home to EARN the money for their dues.

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