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Attendance Pin


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I'm looking for an answer to the question, 'What are the requirements for perfect attendance"? Is it just pack meetings, or pack, and den meetings, or pack, den,and events? I know that I have a couple of boys that have fulfilled this requirement no matter which way it goes. I would like to know for some of the other boys though.


Thanks Bill Q,

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If I'm not mistaken, the requirements are up to the leader to define. We used ours to cover pack meetings and den meetings but excluded additional events because the additional events sometimes happened on short notice and sometimes boys weren't there because they just didn't know about it. Hardly seemed fair to hold that against them.



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Take your question back to your Committee. They are the ones who will decide if (& how) the Pack will use this attendance incentive. It does not have to be "perfect" attendance either. Your Pack can decide to go with any combo of percentages it wants (50%/50% Den/Pack - 80%/90% Den/Pack - 100% Pack only - etc).


At $2.75 for the the pin w/first year bar, & $1.35 for individual year bars, it can get rather pricey for the Pack. I rather like a cheaper pony bead option that you can incorporate uniforming, books, etc into & do both for the individual boy & the Den as a whole.




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Well i have a Committee meeting Tommarrow night and this will be a topic. I wanted some feedback as to what some other packs out there are doing. The price will be a factor as my den has perfect attendance for both den and pack meetings. We might change it up and buy the boys new rank book or something instead of the pin. this will help the parents and lets face it on the cub level it really isnt the boys decision to come or not.


Thanks for all of your help.


Bill Q,

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We wrestled with this and the definition that works for our Pack (yours may differ) is:


Cub Scouts are encouraged to attend all Pack and Den meetings and activities. In order to qualify for an attendance award, the Cub Scout must attend six (6) Pack meetings (this includes the Paper Airplane and Pinewood Derby) one of which MUST be the Blue and Gold Banquet. Additionally the Scout must attend 100% of the Den meetings and 50% of other Pack (this includes Winter and Spring Campouts and Service Projects, etc). Den leaders are responsible for keeping attendance records for the boys in their dens.


Boys should be "excused" from attendance (and therefore given credit for participation) only when the boy or a parent has contacted the Den Leader to advise of non-attendance.


Excused absences should not be granted where a boy has opted for an alternative activity that regularly keeps him away from Den activities.


Excused absences should not be granted for missing Pack Meetings or other Pack-wide activities except in the case of illness or family emergencies.


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