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New Tigers chomping at the bit!


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We just had a Spring Round-up and got 3 Tigers officially signed up for the coming year. One of the dads was chomping at the bit to be the Tiger Leader and to get going immediately with meetings. Our Pack usually suspends meetings in the summer, but we do have summer activities planned and we always notify all incoming Tigers so they can participate, too.


Although the other Committee members and I have no problem with him meeting with his small den in the summer, we think he should stick with the family portion and electives of the Tiger book. We always get more boys who sign up in the Fall, and we'd hate for them to feel like they were already behind when they've just joined.


Any thoughts on this? We certainly don't want to dampen this guy's enthusiam, I mean, how often do you get someone who jumps at the chance to volunteer before the Pack has a chance to even ask anyone? He was a scout and can't wait for his son to experience the fun that he had as a Cub Scout. We're looking forward to having new ideas and enthusiam pumped into our Pack from this fellow!

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That's great funscout! Never let an eager volunteer go to waste. I'd definitely agree that you don't want him getting carried away w/ the den over the summer (which could also turn off those parents who are a little less enthusiastic than he is, if he insisted on weekly meetings all summer or something like that, out of the norm of the rest of the pack).


So how about asking him to help plan specific tiger-oriented activities for your summer pack events? And maybe suggest holding just a couple of limited tiger events on their own? But get him involved in some specific manner with the pack asap! That's my advice, FWIW.



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As of our Pack Graduation last night we had 4 new Tigers, although not all have turned in their apps yet. We had one of the new little guys there last night. His parents have already registered him because they want to sign him (& his brothers!) up for Day Camp. We called him & his mom up on stage, welcomed him into Cubs & gave him his scarf. While this was happening there was a little guy in the audience who just broke down into tears. I found out from his mom after, that her youngest has been watching his brothers & waiting all year for his chance to join. He has been asking mom to sign him up & mom keeps telling him to wait until the end of Summer. Well, when he saw the new Tiger get his scarf the poor kid just lost it! To prevent murder by frustrated Tiger Cub, I quickly gave her an application & she promised to mail it back ASAP!


For your gung-ho Tiger Leader, let him know that he is going to be the leader for ALL of the Tiger Teams, not just those 3. Concentrating on Summer activities, Family Achievements & electives, is the way to go. Starting weekly meetings now might burn out the little guy's Partners & leave any new Fall Tiger Teams feeling rather out of place.


Also, he should really fill out his Leader app & take Fast Start, Youth Protection, New Leader Essentials & Tiger Specific training, BEFORE he starts meeting with ANY Tigers!


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Lots of things he could do without putting his fall den behind. Summertime activity award and there is the sports and academic belt loops and pins he could work on. Plus he needs training and guidance from the pack leadership. Congratulations on your new tigers, we ended up with three. We had each boy adopted for the summer by a more expeienced den till things are more concrete in september. The older boys are excited as the little ones.

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Thanks for all the good advice! I had forgotten about the belt loops and pins.


We will be having our planning meeting for the 2006-2007 year in a few weeks, and it will be nice to have a Tiger Leader on board for that. I need to check to see if he filled out a leader application when he signed up his son. If not, I'll get him an app. and have him take Youth Protection and Fast Start online. Hopefully he can get his other training done soon, but we'll make sure he knows the basics before he starts meeting with the other Tiger pairs.

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Huray for Tiger Cubs!!


I just put my youngest to bed; a brand new tiger cub scout. He's been waiting for this for three years. If you could bottle the look on his face when the new wolf cubs gave him his scarf, slide and book, ... well you could cure any depression in the world.


Like any good scout, his next question was, "When are we going to Boulder Creek(our council scout reservation)for camping, Mom?"

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I've got a simular situation with my 4 year old. We were at the scout shop a few weeks ago and I picked him up a few cub scout day camp t-shirts that were on sale.

Last night he was wearing one and asked the question when he would be a cub scout. I broke the bad news that he had 2 more years before he could become a tiger. That didn't sit well with him. I told him we would be going camping a few times this summer to get him some practice and that made him happy. Then he makes the statement "Will you be my Scout Leader?" I replied, "We'll see when the time comes."


Man, I have enough scouting stuff to do with Venturing. At least I've got two years before I have to answer his last question.

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Congratulations on having an ethusiastic Tiger Den Leader. What a blessing! We lost our Tiger Den this year because no one would step up to be a Den Leader. The few Tiger recruits we had either dropped out or transferred to other Packs.


I would not hold the reins on this guy, but let him take off. As suggested in earlier posts, remind him not to frustrate the parents if he is planning alot of scheduled meetings and activities during the summer. And, remind him not to take it personally if Tigers do not show up during the summer. But hey, if the families are lovin' this guy, then let him take off running. I'm convinced that the success of a Pack is dependent on the ability of the Den Leaders to deliver a fun and active den program.



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Absolutely, positively for him YP and FS. :)


Family activities are great ... encourage him to have picnics, participate in the 4th of July, have fun with a sport ... don't just earn a belt loop, maybe go for a pin ... that will take more effort.


If one of the area's Pow-Wows publishes a program book or CD, get that for him; chock full of ideas.



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Hi all,


I too am new leader for our Tigers- at current count, we 14 (!), possibly going to 17 in the next few weeks!! We are fortunate that a second father has volunteered and we are currently working to split into two dens. My son and I are both excited to get started.



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Welcome Chris!


It's great to hear that your pack has such a strong recruiting program for Tigers. With such a large number, 2 dens definitely makes a lot of sense (I can't imagine 17 tigers in one place!)Make the most of it and have a lot of fun with your son and the other families.




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I don't see any problems with a few boys working ahead. I have 2 Tigers (technically Bobcats) coming into my Wolf Den in September and I expect them to take on leadership roles helping the new boys get through Bobcat and then any activities they've done over the summer.



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It is different with a Wolf Den. The boys are SUPPOSED to do MOST of the rank achievements with their families. The summer is a great time for a Wolf or Bear to work with his family on electives & requirements.


With Tigers it is different, they are just beginning to find out about Scouting. For rank, there are 5 activities they should do with their families, 5 with the den & 5 outings. That is NOT a whole lot. Also, Tiger Dens are run using SHARED LEADERSHIP. That means that the Tiger Teams should be running the meetings, not the Den Leader 24/7.


Spring Tigers can work on their Family Activities & electives, along with their Pack's Summer activities.

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