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Homemade & low budget birdbath


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Thanks for reading my post. I am a den leader for 10 Wolf cubs. We're going to be earning our World Conservation Badge and in the Bird Elective, they require making a birdbath. They suggest using a trash can lid, but I'd like to go a bit less expensive than that. Any ideas using a pie tin? I'd love to hear what you've done.



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I take it that you are making 10 bird baths, not just 1 for your CO, library, city hall, etc.


Yes, you could use pie pans. They are too slippery to use as is though, & also might be to deep. Your best bet would be to glue sand all over the bottom, sides, edges, etc. Where ever the birds would stand. You could then glue some small pebbles to the bottom. This would give better footing & make the pool shallower.


The boys can then set the pie pan on the ground, on an upturned log, on a small table under a tree, etc. Make sure it is far enough away from bushes & hiding places that the birds can see predators coming. You could hang it from a tree, but the pie pans might not be strong enough unless you use multiple pans.


Another easy bath to make is to use terra cotta or plastic pots of different sizes & a large saucer on top for the bath. You can use 1, 2 or 3 pots of various sizes depending on how high you want the bath. If you use 1 pot simply turn it upside down & put the saucer on top (of the bottom). For 2 pots you can put the largest top down & the next sitting on top with the saucer sitting on top of the top pot. For 3 (or 2) you nest the pots upside down with the largest on the bottom & the smallest on the top & the saucer on top. Or you can just use the saucer (which would be sturdy enough to hang).


You can use liquid nails to glue everything together. The terra cotta is rough enough, but you could glue some pebbles in the bottom, or a small pile in the middle. The plastic should be roughed up a bit with sand, pebbles, or even stickers used to give traction in a bathtub. You can leave the bath natural, paint it, cover it in a design of rocks or shells, or whatever.



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Hi, DenLeader10,




The requirement I think you're referring to asks your boys to "Feed wild birds and tell which birds you fed." (WE13e) The birdbath isn't required - it's just one suggested way to complete the task. Though, to be honest, I'm not convinced this does the trick -- I guess if birds show up for your bird bath, the book accepts it, so I would also.


Have you already completed Wolf Achievement 5e? That would help you with WE13b, e and f, as well.



If the "birdbath" is your chosen method for fulfilling this requirement then here are a few ideas:


Birdbaths don't have to sit up on a pedestal. That just makes them more appealing to us - and I suppose keeps some ground critters away. However, think WA5 and using tools to build a stand pedestal. (I suggest predrilling any hole that a Wolf is going to try and screw or nail into!!)


A pie tin (or any plastic lid, or pot/pan lid, or plastic sheeting - think pool liner or kitchen garbage bag) set in a hollow with rocks to weigh down the edges will work fine.


Old plates and platters will serve and can have an antigue-y garden thing going for them. {Apparently, I've been watching WAY TOO MUCH HGTV!}


Weave a reed basket (WE10d) that fits around a plastic container.


Decorate your lids (WE12c and e).


Large slightly concave rocks will work and look natural enough to be set just about anywhere.


Try local nurseries and garden shops (and your Cubs' family's garages!) to see if they'll donate flower pot "reservoirs" or whatever those little dishes that catch extra water are called.


Have fun!!!!







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Thanks for your quick replies! I certainly have enough info to ponder what the next step will be.


Thanks, too, for all of the references to other Wolf electives and achievements. I try to make lots of the things we do as a den, meaningful in that regard.


If you don't mind my asking, WA9c is titled "With an adult, check your home for danger from fire." It gives a list of things to check, then at the end it states, "visit a fire station to learn how to prevent fires." Is this something that's required or just a suggestion, similar to the birdbath. Just wondering what your take is on that.


Again, thanks for your time.

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I read the requirement to be the part in the gold box.

The rest I see as examples, explanations and suggestions.


In this case, the requirement is completed in the Cub's home with an adult. A trip to the fire station is fun, interesting and a worthwhile learning experience -- but, IMHO, it doesn't help you meet the requirement, except that during the visit the fire fighters could talk about how the boys could help keep their homes safe (How the kids could be "firefightes" at home). Then when the boys complete WA9c, they're armed with more info.



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A suggestion for birdbaths is to make a drip birdbath. A gallon milkjug with lid and a small nail hole punched in the top and a tiny pin hole (you may have to experiment to get "just a drip") punched at the bottom for the water to drip out into a shallow clay or plastic pan makes a bird friendly bath and drinking spot. Just hang the milkjug by the handle over the shallow pan. Fill the jug with warm water if it is cold-it will take longer to freeze.

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BTW, DenLeader10,


The birdbath project is also an optional requirement for the CS Acad. & Sports "Wildlife Conservation" Pin. It's a whole other discussion whether to use one project for two different requirements, but given that I don't think it really is the best option for that Wolf Elective, I'd certainly be sure to count it for the WC Pin.



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