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Some things we did that helped...



1) Show and Sell. I don't know if this is available everywhere, but our council allows us to take product and essentially check it out (no fee) so the boys can take and fill an order.


2) We are sponsored by a private school, so we set up a booth for after Mass and sold to some hungry people. (we got a few unsolicited donations as well)


3) We were up front with people about what it cost the previous year and how much we needed to deliver the program. Most of the parents understood that if we do not sell enough, either the dues go up or the program goes down.


4) We did a skit that showed the boys how to sell. We made it funny, but emphasized safety and manners.


5) I don't know if this actually motivated any seller (more accurately, their parents) but we told them that, in effect, we needed them to sell enough to net the Pack $x or we would need to get the balance from them directly. I am not really in favor of this method, but we did do it.


6) Unlike previous years, we planned our meeting schedule such that we could have the popcorn sales info out to the families well before the sales could begin. That way they had multiple weekends to sell product.


7) As I mentioned before, in addition to the prizes from Trail's End, we started a Scout Account program wherein the boys could 'keep' 1/2 of the profit from their sales above a certain level. The money is retained by the Pack and the Treasurer can reimburse scouts up to that amount for scouting related purchases at the scout shop or for fees for scout projects/outings (mainly camp fees). The money cannot be 'cashed out', but we will forward it to a troop for those moving up.


8) Our Council has an award of sorts that covers the cost of Pinewood Derby cars if the Pack meets certain objectives. I don't recall if it was a recharter goal or a membership goal or just a sending someone to the popcorn organization meeting. (not really a popcorn item, but it saved the Pack some money)


I think the biggest thing is being up front and honest with parents about the costs. We take a few minutes out of each Pack meeting for the CM and/or CC to talk to the parents. The kids are busy doing a fun activity during that time.


I hope you can use some of this. Good Luck.

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Lisabob, thanks for clarifying that. I certainly see your point. 10-15 patches per boy per pack meeting! That IS quite excessive. I can't even imagine what we would give 10-15 patches for in a single month. Some boys have difficulty recalling what they did for the rank badge much less 'extra' activities.


Parents pay for all belt loops in my Pack. But you bring up a good point that with the current version of the Webelos book, some belt loops are now required. My Pack has only recently begun paying for more than just the rank badge itself. Financial issues a few years ago led the leaders then to force parents to pay for much more than the leaders would have liked them to. Slowly, the financial standing and the comfort level of those leaders who rescued the Pack have gotten better to the point that we pay for pretty much everything except the belt loops and associated pins.



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Torveaux, we don't have Show and Sell here. I'm sure that must help sell more popcorn. I did ask the committee about buying extra popcorn to sell after Mass, but was told that they'd tried it in the past and hardly sold any. I guess popcorn just can't be our major source of funds. We do have another option--the troop runs a booth at Texas Rangers games in the summer and invites Cub Scout parents to help. The pack gets $40-50 for each person who works the booth. Unfortunately, last summer only 1 Cub Scout parent volunteered. I even warned them that if they didn't, we'd have to start charging dues, and they still weren't motivated!


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You should contact your District Popcorn Kernel & tell them to push for Show & Sell for next year. Push it at your next Roundtable & to your DE also.


Show & Sell is a great way to reach people who normally don't get approached. It also gives those families who don't like having their kids go door to door a way to sell.


Your council might not offer Show & Sell because they are afraid of getting stuck with a lot of unsold popcorn by Trail's End. If they run it like mine (& many others) does the extras should be minimal. We run Show & Sell first & then allow unsold Show & Sell popcorn to be returned at the same time units order their Take Order corn. The Show & Sell returns are rolled over into Take Orders & Council only has to order what's needed to cover the rest of the Take Orders. If Trail's End gives them a case minimum to purchase they could consider combining their order with that of a nearby council. It is a bit more work on the council's part because they have basically 3 popcorn days, Show & Sell Delivery, Show & Sell Return & Take Order Delivery, but I think it would help increase popcorn sales across the council.


My family helps out at Show & Sell Delivery & Return each year. It is a lot of work, but fun too! My son really likes working with the council folks & meeting leaders (& Scouts) from across council. And, at 6'3", 200 lbs, he can really work those popcorn cases!

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