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Where would I be more effective?


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Well, our second pack meeting was a little better, but not much. We went on a hayride that took us out to a campfire set up, where the boys and families roasted hot dogs, made s'mores, and ran around for an hour or so, then the wagons came back and we rode back (nice meandering path through the woods and trails). The only announcements were to keep selling popcorn, when/where to turn in money/unsold popcorn, and when the next pack meeting is.


I asked if our pack would be participating in the Council's Cub Scout Healthy Hike day, and was told that the Tigers were, but not anyone else, unless the den leaders had planned that. I was also told by the Cubmaster that if that was something I had wanted us to do, I should have said something to him sooner. He also suggested that if I wasn't happy, that maybe I should be Cubmaster and he'd be happy to turn the job over to me. When I said, I don't think it's that easy, the committee has to make that decision, he laughed and said, "what committee?"


So, do I step up and become Cubmaster or volunteer to be Committee Chairman? Training for both is coming up over the next three weeks. The reason there's no committee (I feel) is that no one has ever stood up in front of the parents and explained that we need parents to do the following jobs, x, y, and z, and it's up to you to help make a quality program for your boy. In fact, I'd bet most parents don't even know there are "committee" meetings (the CM and den leaders), so how can they even try to get involved? And don't even ask about a COR--I'm certain the PTO doesn't even KNOW they're supposed to have a rep for the pack.


I'm already secretary for my older son's Troop committee, but I am getting to the point where I think I need to help my younger son's Pack. I just don't know where I would do the most good.



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To me, it sounds like you should step up to be committee chair (and, by default, probably the whole committee). If you take over as Cubmaster, 100% of the work falls on your shoulders, as it is probably for your current CM.


If you instead serve as CC, you can do the division of labor intended - you plan and schedule the events, the Cubmaster runs the meetings. It sounds as if your beef is the disorganization of the pack - this can be best remedied by the CC.



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IF your scout troop has good organization, then focus on the Cubs. 6-11 years old is an important stage in a boy's life and you can make a real difference.


CC or CM?


Ask yourself-

Which are you more comfortable with- adult organization and planning or boy programs?

Are the den leaders working out? Do the den leaders plan and maintain a viable den program?

Is there a viable committee lacking only leadership or is everyone out to lunch?


If the den leadership is there, consider CC- you can plan events and provide direction for the Cubmaster.


If the den programs are faltering or needs shoring up, consider the CM position.


But remember, you will not make changes overnight. There will be a warm-up period in any leadership transfer.


Short thoughts, but we're with you. Where do you feel you're strengths lie?



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My most recent District leadership role is for a Cub Scout event that will last one weekend. We have a staff of ten Scouters. We have minimal oversight from one professional, our District Committee Program Chair and our District Communications person. We began nine months ago and we have monthly meetings. The staff has had 100% turnover from moves and other problems but we are fairly stable going into our last three weeks of preparation. During this last month, we lost only three long term staff members and we were able to replace two of them. We have 800 Cubs and their families presently registered. We have met our budget goal of about $10,000. We are now taking care of the last few program items. I am new to this District and did not know anyone nine months ago. For the last five months, my personal job has become a paperwork nightmare with work carried home each night and on weekends. My wife found a house and now we are moving, fixing it up and trying to fix up and sell this one. I believe the event will be successful due to the fact that it has been well planned and that there has been a group of people involved. Credit cannot be given to any one person. I can say without any reservation that this has been a process of group involvement and no one person excelled, especially me.


I want to share with you that working with a group distributes the workload and it is more fun.







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Obviously you know the pack needs help, and I commend you on your willingness to step up to the plate! Although the Cubmaster is supposed to decide what direction the pack will "go" and the CC is supposed to help make that happen, it sounds as if the CM doesn't have a clear picture of what way to make the Pack go. When I took over as CC, there really wasn't a working CM. It was primarily "I'll show up and Mcee until you can recruit a new one. It was at that point I had to have a vision of what a CM should be like and recruit accordingly. Once I found a great CM, and actually put together a working committee, the pack has taken off in an entirely different direction! This year alone we have recruited 19 new boys! It almost doubled the size of the pack!!!! I got on fire about scouting, and when people started to see the fire, well, they just fed it more and it grew like wild fire! I had to act as CM a few times initially, and I realized my organization skills, and ability to delegate jobs out, far surpassed my abilities of speaking in front of HUGE crowds, and that CM was NOT a good role for me! I can't tell you which training to go to, or which "hat" to wear, only you know where your abilities are and where they would be most effective. Good Luck to you and your pack, and again, good for you for realizing a need and full filling it!




ps...don't know about your district's training, but the cub specific training for our's both the CC and CM sit in on the same specific training. Maybe if yours is the same it might help you decide which route to go as well!

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You've gotten good advice.


Based on this and your other recent posts, it seems that your present CM really has no interest in fulfilling his duties well. If you decide to go the CC option, I think your first order of business will be to seek ways to improve your CM's performance. In which case, you will likely again hear his offer to get someone else and you will be looking to recruit a new CM.


I think perhaps the best thing you can do for your pack is to organize a large contingent of CM/Assts and DL/Assts and involved parents to attend the training that is coming up in the next few weeks. Attending as a group, you will all get the same information at the same time and can spend some time afterward discussing its application to help your pack get better organized to put on a quality program.

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Either way you go, CC or CM, contact your PTO President/Pack Treasurer/Webelos Den Leader & ask who she has designated as COR for your Unit. I would suggest to her that it should be someone other than herself as she has way to many Pack hats on now as it is. You should also find out from your Council Training Commissioner if they hold COR training (ours does) & get your PTO Pres & COR to attend.


Another thing you can do is contact your Unit Commissioner. Helping units with these kinds of problems is what their job is about!


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Ten Reasons why you have not seen or heard from your friendly UC.


1. Your Unit is doing so good that the DC feels that sending in a UC would just make it worse.


2. Your Unit is doing so badly that the DC thinks that it has already folded.


3. Your UC is married to one of the Unit leaders so she never said anything to anyone.


4. Your DC is also the Council Com. and has one hat too many.


5. Your DC is a friend of all of the right people and was appointed over a cup of coffee and that is where he remained.


6. Your UC is also the CM a DL a TL a CC and is head of Day Camp.


7. The ADC that is in charge of recruiting your UC hasn't been trained since he was recruited 10 years ago, although he has two knots and several awards for doing a great job.


8. The DC has decided that he can do the job of twenty, so recruitment has not been a priority.


9. The three UC's in your District are using the Round Robin approach for Unit Service and your Unit's number will be up next year.


and NUMBER 10!


10. You have been the UC all along and nobody bothered to tell you.


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CC is definitely the way to go.


The Committee Chair is the real source of direction. From that role you select (with COR approval) the leadership from CM on down.


You can help the CM get better or replace him with someone more ready, willing, and able to put together good Pack events.


All you can really do as CM is try to get your DLs trained and put together the Pack program yourself. Selection of leaders is not your job at that level. You can make recommendations, but that is about it.

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