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Recruiting younger boys (Tigers)


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Spinning this off: We had our recruitment last night and did fairly well in Wolves and Bears but we really need to get some Tigers (can't help it) by the tail :) So, I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions on recruiting the younger boys. The stipulations on recruiting as set by the school are: no flyers sent home from school, no walk throughs, and no school talks. Pretty much recruiting with out direct contact.

I plan to set up a booth at the PTA night and am going to try placing some flyers at local churches. Any help is appreciated!


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How about passing out flyers outside school, in uniform, with uniformed boys helping.


Does anyone in the Pack currently have a boy in 1st grade? Have them talk to the parents in their boy's class.


Does anyone in the Pack go to that school? Does the school give it's families a school directory? If you can get a directory mail each family a flyer directly.


If your local churches publish bulletins or newsletters for their congregation, call & find out about placing a notice in the next issue.


Place a notice in the community happenings section of your local newspaper. These are usually free.


Contact local merchants about putting posters in their windows or flyers on their bulletin boards.


Does the school participate in the Market Day fundraiser? Ask the organizers if they will put a flyer in every box. Volunteer the boys to be there, in uniform, to help people carry boxes to their cars.


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Have Tiger Day in a local park. Use older Cubs to help with activities - They all have Achievements based on helping new and younger Cubs. The wolves have to design a treasure hunt, an obstacle course and an adventure trail - the Bears have to lead a Den activity, etc. Use the above ideas to get the word out and the Park Day to seal the deal and collect the paperwork. Nothing sells Cubs better than Cubs doing Cubby things!!!!


Good Luck!!



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Find the closest place you are allowed to do and set up some sort of activity and display booth- mini-Pinewood, 'guess the number of jelly beans' jar, photos or slideshow of last year's stuff, samples of stuff the Cubs have done...


Create an interactive handout- we had a lot of luck with a coloring page that had our information tucked nicely in a corner. Consider a handout that includes a coupon- bring the coupon to the meeting (or bring a friend) and get *something* (candy bar? Scout pencil? We used Hot Wheels cars and these were pretty successful.)


Is there a school newsletter you can take out an ad in? Banner ads hung nearby? Skywriting?

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Remember, if your school does print a directory, if you pass on last year's Kindergarten boys addresses to your district's office, they will print and mail a flyer or post card with the information of the recruitment night for you (your FOS dollars hard at work) ;-). I would then require the boys in your unit to wear their cub scout uniforms to school the day of the recruitment as a visual reminder, and remember once you are on the sidewalk surrounding the school you are on public property! Have your boys in your unit meet you after school near where the 1st grade boys exit the building and pass out flyers then. Also, being in a similar situation as yourself, the only night we are able to pass out flyers on school property is on the back to school social night as it is a PTA sponsored event.

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One other thing to remember about the flyer issue - BSA is guaranteed equal access by law. That means if the school sends home, or posts on its boards, flyers from ANY outside school organization (like the park district or a play being held elsewhere) then it HAS to allow BSA to do it too.


Keep an eye out & contact your DE if you see anything. He should contact the school district & be able to get at least one flyer delivery out of it before the school shuts everyone out.

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It isn't just the scouts, the school has shut everyone out. I think that the above ideas are great (skywriting, hee hee) and am going to try as many as possible. There is no school directory though but I do have a good friend who is one of the First Grade teachers. We will see what we can do.



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Cajuncody, I know you won't do this, but I'd like to mention to be careful to not play games or try to 'trick' or bully your way in. We want a smooth working relationship with the school and it is absolutely amazing how fast a small incident will be broadcast to all teachers and parents.


That aside, I DID have another idea- can the Scouts or Scout leaders volunteer to raise and lower the flags for a few days or a week? Personally, I think sheer visibility is a key factor in all levels of recruiting.


Another possibility that we kicked around locally is to put together a 'youth programs' directory of all programs associated with the school- BSA, GSUSA, sports, clubs, etc. Let local commercial programs for youth (dance, art, independent sport programs, etc.) take out ads for pay to cover printing costs so you can distribute the thing for free. Offer each volunteer program some space to advertise their program and key dates/times/numbers/etc.


From my chats with several administrators, something like this would be allowed- even if only as a 'pick one up if interested' basis (you know, piled up in key locations with a 'take one' note).


It would take some work for the first year, but after that it ought ot go easier. Ideally, the PTA or some other school support group would take it on as a project!

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Nope, no tricks or bullying here. I am working to rebuild our reputation with the school. Damage was done before I became CM. We already raise and lower the flag everyday and also on special events I will be there and have the Cubs called up to offer a clean up while the other boys go back to class. I was going to try to set up a table at the first PTA meeting and maybe check to see if we could do a flag ceremony at the football games.

I follow all the rules: No interupting class, no boys missing important work, No disruptions in the hall. The first graders are picked up at the Library door. The older boys at the front office. The flag, of course is at the front office.


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Cajun- I knew you were good about that.


We too had a situation where an older administration of eiether the pack or troop hurt the relationship between the Scouts, church, and school. I am vague on exactly what happned but it hurt both units for years.


Even today, after a crew of us worked hard to build the unit nearly from scratch to about 40 boys at the peak (representing nearly 40% of the avaiable students!), the pack is back down to about 9 boys in part because someone involved in the old scandals got involved again somehow.


Makes you pretty sensitive to things, sometimes, doesn't it?

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