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Fall Sign Up


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School doesn't start up here for another couple of weeks.


We did OK with our first Spring Recruiting (5 boys into a Pack of 25-30) and we hope to get 5 more this Fall. Our feeder school only has 20-30 kids per class, so with average of 50% boys we can hope for at most 10-15 new boys per year.


Plans to expand beyond our school are underway, so we may grow further....stay tuned.

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We tried two things last year that only met with minimal success but may work better for you.


1. I addressed the entrie elementary school k-3 at a morning program assembly. (don't let the ACLU find out)I wore my uniform and brought a pack basket filled with a item to hold up from nearly every belt loop made. I asked them to hold up their hands if they like to do...and held up an item. There was tremendous energy in the room . Some Moms said they were eating out of the palm of my hand. Fishing rowing, flag football, compass, rockets pinewood derby...you name it. It looked like a tent revival!


2. We had a family movie night a showed follow me boys. The kids were singing and non scouts were wearing parts of scout uniforms it went well.


Sadly our net number dropped from 43 to 34.


Oh well we tried.

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I will let you know after 1 Sep. That is when mine is. Last year we had 44 new signups (we are a rapidly growing community). I am expecting that many this year. I already have one new Tiger and his dad who wants to be a leader. I love it when recruits and leaders fall into your lap!


I also like us2bnowl's belt loop idea.



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I like uz2bnowl movie night. I'll probably push for something like that in the spring.


As for recruiting, over the summer we got 5 boys, with a local Minor League Baseball team (Lake Elsinore Storm) allowing scouts to campout on the field, watch a game, watch a movie, feed them and patch them for $15.00. Just by mentioning this activity recruited those boys.


As for active recruitment, we begin on the 25th of Aug (Back to School Night) and our Recruitment Night the first of Sep. We feed from two schools and my wife pulls from her involvements in the home school program. Our plan is to get many together and encouraged about scouting. At the Recruitment Night we will sing songs, teach the boys scout signs and the promise, and do Bottle Rockets (old film canisters with Alka-seltzer and water just for the shear reaction of whoa from the boys). Ill let you know how it goes.


(This message has been edited by jafyfe-bsa)

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The Tricity Valley Cats just had their Scout night sadly the Lord deciced to water that night and it had to be cancelled but the home team won because they led after 8 innings. The Lowell Spinners in Lowell, Mass. also have a Scout night. Both the Spinners and the "cats are short Season A ball. Astros and Red Sox Respectively.


What team is the Storm with?

Make sure to use Fuji film containers they pop so much better than the black with grey tops.


R. Noll

Usta be an owl, a good ole owl too!

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Ours is set for the second week of school. Last year we got about 20 new boys, but only 7 or 8 of them finished the year. We usually have the Boy Scouts come and play with the boys while we talk to the parents.


The big problem we have seen is putting an ending time on our flyers. If we say we'll be there from 5-7, people come in at 6:50, expecting to sign a few papers and skid out of the parkinglot without listening to a word about the program. Then 3 months later they call the CM complaining about things they didn't know were expected of them. So this year we aren't putting a finish time on the flyer, hoping everyone will come at the start time.

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{What team is the Storm with?}


The San Diego Padres.


{Make sure to use Fuji film containers they pop so much better than the black with grey tops.}


Good tip. My boys and I will be paracticing this weekend.


{So this year we aren't putting a finish time on the flyer, hoping everyone will come at the start time.}


We are doing a packet to pass out with all the information needed. Hopefully that will work.


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We could have a totally different topic on dealing with parents.


I don't think 60% of the parents read the packet you send home.

The boys Scout book isn't read by the parents either. IN MY EXPERIENCE, most of the parents handle this organization poorly. They think it's great that their kid is involved but they don't want to read or find out much more than what is minimally required. In my fourth year as a leader I am still answering uniform questions that are right in the boy's book.


I would reccomend handout or a packet but then thoughly go over each page leaving very little to chance.


I would also get a big chart with parent participation job on it and tell them, "Please don't leave until you sign up as a helper in one of the areas!"

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