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Hello everyone,


Can someone explain how the Denner, Asst. Denner, and Den Chief thing works? We are from a very small Pack and I've been a Den Leader for Two years. I've taken what Training I can online, but the other Two Training Sessions that have been offered were on Saturdays that I had to work. I've seen the concept, but haven't implemented it into my Den as of yet. I'd like to this year. I only have seven boys but all have been with me since Tigers, and are about to start Bear. I don't have an Assistant. Is the Denner supposed to stay and help me plan Den Meetings? I appreciate everyones help. I just want to be clear on this position before I start it up. Thanks.

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First get yourself an assistant, second finish the training and third get a copy of the CS Leader Book. These will help answer most of your questions. But for now.....


The denner and assistant denner are den members who are elected by the other den members to serve for a short period of time, usually a month or two. You as the Den Leader determine his responsibilities.


In our Pack the denner usually helps set-up and cleanup, designs and performs an opening ceremony, and assists with other tasks as appropriate. The assistant denner usually takes over as denner when the term is up.


If you would like a Den Chief contact your CM and let him know. This way he can contact the troop and get one for you.


Hope this helps for now.



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The Denner and Assistant Denner are used to give the boys one of their first tastes of responsibility. We use them to give den reports at the Pack Meetings and to accept any awards for the den (uniform inspection, scout spirit, handouts, etc.) Plus they hep corral the boys and line them up for activities (line up beind the denner).


The way we work it is that the boys vote (by ballot) for a Denner and Assistant denner the first month. The Denner and Assistant receive their cords in a den ceremony. After the first month, the Assistant Denner becomes the Denner and the boys vote for a new Assistant. Make sure it rotates through the whole den.


Den Chiefs are your Boy Scout role models. We have them maintain order in the den, show scout skills, assist in activities, organize den games for the boys and assist at pack events such as pinewood derby, raingutter regatta or rocket derby. We formally induct them at a Pack ceremony.



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Den Chiefs are Boy Scouts. The position of Den Chief is a Position of Responsibility / Leadership position for the Scout. They take training for their position from your council the same as the Den Leaders do. It is usually an all day training on a Saturday. They are NOT maids or gofers. They are LEADERS and as such are part of the leadership team of your Den and should be helping you to plan and run Den activites.


All of that being said, like any other leader, some are good at what they do and some are not so good. You will probably have to help a brand new Den Chief along a bit before they get their "leader legs". If a Den Chief is truly more of a bother than a help you should contact his Scoutmaster & request someone else.


A good Den Chief is a wonderful thing.


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