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Administrative changes question


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Hello all. Longtime reader, First time post. :)

Decided to register and take my questions to the masses..

We currently run indiviual accounts and it is a NIGHTMARE!!!(CM was "treasurer" and did TERRIBLE job with keeping up accounts, not to mention dividing supplies by 20 kids at .20 a kid!!(no General fund exists..) The treasurer (close friend of mine) is looking to collapse accounts. (This is to even field for all scouts) Has not been met with too much opposition save for a couple certain individuals who have the most money in their account and pledge to not "work their butt off" fundraising if "they don't see the benefit". EXCUSE ME If I do a PTA fundraiser, my son is not the only one on the playground equipment.

I really want to know if those who DO NOT run individual accounts, do you offer incentives for fundraising and how do you explain this to your new families ((Treasurer would be presenting to existing and new families..) Thanks.



Crazymomo3 (BL aspiring to PTrainer)(This message has been edited by crazymomo3)

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I've known several packs, and I don't know of any that use individual accounts like your unit does. That happens in Boy Scouts to some extent depending on how the Troop is set up, but I don't think that that's normal for Cubs. I don't think there's any rule against doing it that way, tho.


Usually, the fundraisers in Cubs are done to finance the Pack's activities, not the individual dens or Scouts. Normally, you'll see something like the popcorn sale be used to finance Pack general expenses, like advancement awards, flags, outings, etc. The dens would charge their own dues for their activity expenses. For example, we used to charge 2 bucks per den meeting to pay for materials and the occasional snack. Like I said, just my observations. I could give you more detail on exactly how we did things if you'd like (I was the CC for a 2 year term, which is how we defined the job; we offset the CM and CC terms by 1 year so we'd always have some continuity).


The folks who are kind of threatening to reign in their fundraising if it doesn't go directly to their kids are kind of missing the point. How do you guys pay for things like badges, pins, segments, Pack supplies, etc, if the fundraising is all allocated to the Scouts? The Pack my sons went through has lasted for 35 years with one account.


What you might consider is collapsing back to one general account for the future and asking the parents if they'd like their current balance to go to the Pack fund or be reimbursed. Then just set up future fundraisers to be Pack events to fund the pack. Any time you make any kind of change, there's always a certain amount of pain up front. Remember that you guys are volunteer leaders and you have a certain amount of flexibility in how you do things. If others don't agree, they are welcome to volunteer and help out, right?



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The main point of individual accounts would seem to be, in fact, to encourage people to "work their butts off." Our Troop does this, but our Pack does not. It appears the boys get to be a bit more aware of those things as they grow older.


If parents were told that part of the money they raised would go directly to their son, then they might reasonably expect that money to stay with their son. I'm with Prairie_Scouter - you can offer them their money back or to let them donate it to the pack.


As for encouraging people to fund raise, we usually ham it up for the Cubs, give out some awards for the top sellers, make a big deal out of thanking everyone who sells. Also, for the parents and the kids, you can go over what all the fund raisers will pay for, and how all their work makes all the plans possible.


I agree that individual accounts could be a big hassle. Maybe you could also offer people a chance to donate money if they don't want to do fund raising.


Oak Tree

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in our Pack the main fund raiser is popcorn. The boys are told that if they sell a certain amount say $300 the pack will pay for a day camp. And if they sell $600 they get a resident camp paid for by the pack.For the Troop a percent of what they sell will go towards camp. If a BS sell over $1000 the District pays for their camp at our Districts Camp. All the rest of the money goes to the general fund both for Cubs and Scouts.If for whatever reason the boys don't use their "camp credit" within 2 years the monies go back into the general fund.As a mom of 3 scouts this system has made it possible to get all 3 to camp.But what it does to our Pack and Troop treasures couldn't tell ya they never complain about it.

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Thanks this information is really helpful. What does everyone do for families with multiple boys in the pack (ie "there is NO WAY I can sell 600 worth of popcorn, to family and friends") We live in a very small town outside a larger metro area and apparently people only sell to those within a 3 mile radius ;) I don't know how to handle that situation or is it "it is how it is and that is how it is...."

And I don't get paid for this????





BL aspiring Ptrainer....

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Our Pack does not have personal account. It's too difficult and time-consuming to manage 100+ accounts. We do set a minimum sell for each scout (not mandatory). We also laid out the costs and showed the Pack how much it costs to run the Pack and our financial status. They have two choices: 1) either support the fundraiser or 2) the Pack will have to raise Pack dues. If we do not meet our fundraising goals, we will run the funds as long as we can (directing the funds to awards, cutting out Pack sponsored events such as campouts, etc.) and stop all expenditures after the funds are emptied from that point the parents can fund the awards individually and pay individually for events. Knock on wood, but so far we manage to carry over about $500 every year.


Good luck


(The above information are only my own opinions. Please do not take them as guidances and/or teachings for I am not qualified to teach the exact the BSA's methodologies or guidelines!)

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Most of our money come from popcorn sells. What we do is tell all the parents at the first pack meeting that they owe the pack 40$, but if you sell 100$ in popcorn that fee is waived. We also sell scout expo tickets in March April and May. We give away prizes to the top sellers and the council gives away prizes.


We tried kid accounts but it was a mess.

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"The Cub Scout helps the pack go.

The pack helps the Cub Scout grow."


Individual Scout accounts are not usually done at the Cub level. The Scout is supposed to pay his own way in Scouting & the Cub is expected to "help the pack go".


Our only fundraiser is popcorn. With that we pay for scarves, books, patch vests, slides, rank, activity pins, belt loops & pins, Webelos colors, Immediate Recognition kits, compass patches & points, arrowheads, leader training, misc awards/patches, supplies, Pinewood Derby cars, Pack Family Camping, food for Pack Picnic, the Scout's cost for all activities/trips, the bus to go to the hocky game & ball game, & much more. This year we are offering to pay National registraion costs for any new Scouts who sign up at out last Pack Meeting.


We have a "suggested goal" of $350 in sales (not profit) per SCOUT for popcorn. The boys who make their goal receive a rocket kit to be used at a Pack Rocket Shoot in the summer. The top 10 sellers each get the chance to throw a Popcorn Cream Pie (paper plate filled with whipped cream) at the Scouter of their choice during our December Pack meeting. The popcorn goal can be achieved by taking orders on a order sheet, Show & Sell door to door (families sign out popcorn with unsold to be returned to Popcorn Kernal by certain date), or Show & Sell Booth Sales (total sold at all booth sales divided up between boys who worked). All Show & Sell monies can also be used towards popcorn company incentives.


We have one family with 3 boys who makes their per boy goal each year mainly thru participating in Booth Sales. They usually only have to buy 1 or 2 boxes of micro corn per boy (for family consumption) to bring each boy to their goal. With the cost of the popcorn it's not really that hard.


With our CO paying recharter & registration for all returning Scouts & Scouters each year, our families do not have to pay all that much out of pocket. About the only thing we have not covered is the cost of Council Summer Camp. Next year we will be looking at increasing the popcorn goal so that the Pack can pay for Day Camp for boys meeting their goal.


I would NOT give any of the money already in the individual accounts back to the families in cash. Cub Scouts is not a family money making operation. Are these actual separate accounts for each boy or is the money in one account with the separation on paper only? As of a specific date stop depositing money in the separate accounts. If you have to, to keep things clear, start up a brand new Pack account. If you do not have anything in writing on how the money can be used I would tell the families that the individual accounts would be used to pay for their boys awards until the new popcorn money comes in. After that, if a specific popcorn goal is reached, the individual accounts can be used for Summer Camp or Scout Shop purchases. If the goal is not reached the account (or a % of it) will still be used for purchasing the boy's awards.



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The only way to prevent large Dens is to have experienced Leaders shape the den sizes on sign-up night. After all, Tiger Den leaders are new to the program are usually take what is given to them. While you may not be able to split existing dens, make sure you get involved next year when the new crop of scouts show up. Try to keep the dens about 6-7 scouts, knowing you may have some late registrants that may bring each den up to 7-8. I have 9 in my Den, which I think has been under control, but would prefer around 7.

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