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What to do about a Den Leader?


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We have an extremely controlling den leader. Our membership has dropped from about 50 youths to 17 in a two(2) year period. I do understand losing youth to attrition from Webelos crossing over to Boy Scouts. This only accounts for about 1/2 of the drops. But new youth are not coming in either. I spoke with a couple of other leaders and parents, and parents of youth that dropped out. The reponse from most of them seems to be that as long as this leader in controlling the Pack they want nothing to do with the pack. The DL has stacked the committee with close friends, the CC, the CM is her husband, and the Treasurer is a close family friend. So she always gets her way in committee. She has even made last minute changes to events without telling anyone with the approval of the CC. Working with another leader we have kept several youth from dropping. We need help. What can we do? Suggestions?

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First and formost this is a CO and COR issue...if it is an issue at all... In many units there is a family that 'takes over' and runs things the way that is most appropriate for them...is it right? no but it is more common than we like to admit and when the super family finally moves on these units often fail and fold up tents...


If the SM (hubbie) and the CC see no problem you have a major problem...If the COR and CO see not problem you are 'DOA'...So I would count number of families on each 'side' and if you have the 'numbers' ask for a meeting with the CO...be prepared to find another pack...


numbers do count but to win you generally have to have numbers on you side when you start...The CO owns the Pack...if they are happy the row you have to hoe is exceedingly long (and HOT!)

best of luck.

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Turn the other cheek.


You are not going to remove this woman from the pack. You can follow the others that are leaving for greener pastures, or tough it out - making your son's and his den's scouting experience the best it can possibly be. If this woman is your son's den leader, then maybe you request a transfer to a different den if she is that much of a problem for you.


Welcome to the forum.(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)

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Interestingly, you refer to a controlling DL, but there is nothing written about your program. Often it takes a strong person to change a program into something that truly resembles a Cub Scout program.


Without more detail and a real timeline, it is difficult to determine whats really going on in your Pack. I would remind you that a DL does not run the Pack. Packs are run by the CC and CM, and maybe some input from the COR.


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Start another unit. Find a new Charter Org. Start a pack and build a troop. That is what happened in our district last year. One group was so much under the control of one person that the unit was dying. One leader started a new pack. That pack now has 33 boys. The other pack is down to 6.

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We are Contemplating starting a new unit. But that will kill the old one. We are trying to avoid that option for now, but one of the leaders has already picked up the paperwork. I am just worried about how the CO is going to react. Also, it will be hard to find another local CO. We are in a very small town. Can a CO have more then one Pack?

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As far as I know, a CO may only sponser one of each type of BSA unit: pack, troop, crew. There are many kinds of COs: churches, fraternal/service clubs (Eagles, Lions, American Legion, etc.), private schools, PTAs, and (as is the case in my local pack) nonprofit corporations organized just to sponser a BSA unit. In other words, you have lots of options. Work with your District Executive and I predict success.(This message has been edited by CubsRgr8)

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Where is the CO in all of this? It is their Pack.


Before you start the paperwork for a new Pack, you should get the Den Leaders together & have a talk with your COR. Do not attack this DL & her family, but let the COR know you are all troubled by the trend you are seeing of families leaving. Let the COR know what is going on & see what he suggests.



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