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B&G canceled


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I am stressed about B&G. We were going to have it Friday night. Our COR called my CM last night and said that the CO has something planned Friday night (fine time to tell us). My CM and I were trying to plan it last minute for another night but it not going to work for either us or our other DL's. Our last resort is moving it too next months pack meeting. But then again we have FOS planned next month and the B&G will be push on time being on a school night.


http://www.lascouts.net/pack81(This message has been edited by zippie2223)

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See, here is the difference. I wouldn't have canceled it. I would have found an alternative meeting place. You could have had all the families check with other local churches for the use of a fellowship hall or checked with local lodges. I would have even used the local skating rink in a pinch. You could have checked with your local school about using the caffeteria. Many many options, canceling would have been a hard decision to make especially if the next pack meeting were booked.


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Zippie...does the COR really have to be there? Every year we invite the COR, past CM and CC and anyone from district who can come, but if they can't come, they can't come, and they know they were at least thought of by the invitation. We are not a HUGE pack (47 boys) but between boys, parents and siblings there would be no way everyone could agree on a 2nd date. As long as you still have your location for B & G, I would go ahead with your plans and explain to the COR that although you would've loved it if he/she could've been present, there was just no other feasible day to have it, and maybe they could attend another pack meeting/outing instead. Best of luck!

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Its not that the COR has to be there, it's that the church is being used. They should have informed us earlier but it happens I guess.



That's a great idea, but we didn't find out till late Monday evening and I guess we just panicked and pushing it back was the quickest solution. I wish I can go back in time and do it again. On again, off again, I think would really upset the parents.



Yes St. Joachim Church has let us down this time but they are a pretty good bunch over there. They do a lot for the council, the district and for us. We'll let this one slide (jj).


I wish we would have not panicked when we heard the news, well live and learn, and always have a back up plan.

(This message has been edited by zippie2223)

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I would, gently, request that they find someone to keep track of the parish calendar & to let people know well in advance (4 days is unacceptable) if there is a needed change.


I would also remind them that many adults & many boys had been working on this particular meeting for many months & due to the last minute snafoo on their part it was all for nothing. Let them know that they have a lot of very dissapointed little boys in THEIR Pack.


I don't care how much they do, this was really, really bad form. At the very least the COR should have offered to help find you an alternate site.



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I understand your frustration, our pack has also seen those days!

Here's an alternative...since B&G is usually a pretty big event

that takes alot of time, try to schedule this event on a Saturday afternoon. Since your CO is a church it should be available, just explain the situation. We had ours this past Saturday (12-3pm) and let me tell you "WHAT A BIG DIFFERENCE!" it was from previous years when we had B&G on top of a hectic work day. So find a day that is good with your CO and your committee and schedule it. And always remember that you cant please everyone!

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