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Pack committee?


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No you don't. That authority rests with the Charter Organization Representative or the Committee Chair. However as the Cubmaster the unit program is a main responsiblilty for you. Your input should carry some weight with them. I would meet with those two people lay out your concerns and your solution. But let them know that removing the leader is their authority and their responsibility to do if they decide in that direction.



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Ok, I have a meeting with the preacher who is our committee chair this week, and the scout rep says that the preacher will go with his recommendations, it just seems to me that if this woman has done all of this she shouldn't be allowed to run a den. It's a dirty crock what she has done, and the den is only meeting once a month, luckily I found out about an hour ago when they have been meeting.


I dunno do you guys think I am right in persuing having her removed?

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I'm just a bit confused here.


Who is your Scout Rep? Or, more to the point, what is your Scout Rep? Scout Rep is not a position I am familiar with.


Why would a brand new Tiger Den Leader have the only set of keys to the place your Pack meets?


Why would a Den Leader feel they can appoint a new Cubmaster?


Why is it suddenly the Den Leaders Pack to run?


Don't you hold monthly Committee/Leader meetings?


If you hold monthly meetings, why can't you talk to the Committee then?


If you don't hold monthly Committee/Leader meetings, why don't you? How can you get anything accomplished?


Who is your Charter Organization? I thought at first it might be LDS, but they do not have a Tiger program.


Do you know who your Charter Organization Rep is?


Do you have a Unit Commissioner? He might be able to help. At the very least he could straighten everyone out on what their correct roles/jobs in the Pack are.


A Cubmaster is in charge of a Pack's program. He can not "hire" or "fire" Leaders (neither can a Tiger Leader!). The Pack is owned by its Charter Organization (CO). Part of the responsibilties of the CO is to provide Leaders. The CO is represented by a Charter Organization Representative (COR). The COR, along with the Committee Chair (CC) are the ones who would be responsible for "hiring" & "firing" Leaders & Commitee Members. You need to talk to them.


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I'm just a bit confused here.


Who is your Scout Rep? Or, more to the point, what is your Scout Rep? Scout Rep is not a position I am familiar with.


Reply:He works at council and is over the District.


Why would a brand new Tiger Den Leader have the only set of keys to the place your Pack meets?


Reply: She was given these by the church as they gave her a classroom she could use,for all of the packs use.


Why would a Den Leader feel they can appoint a new Cubmaster?


Reply:She used to be a leader where she lived, I guess she thinks she knows more than me.


Why is it suddenly the Den Leaders Pack to run?

Reply:She actually has avoided me and the District Rep all year.


Don't you hold monthly Committee/Leader meetings?


Reply:Yes but she has yet to attend one.


If you hold monthly meetings, why can't you talk to the Committee then?


Reply:The preacher is new and hard to reach.


If you don't hold monthly Committee/Leader meetings, why don't you? How can you get anything accomplished?


Who is your Charter Organization? I thought at first it might be LDS, but they do not have a Tiger program.


Reply:Methodist Church


Do you know who your Charter Organization Rep is?



Do you have a Unit Commissioner? He might be able to help. At the very least he could straighten everyone out on what their correct roles/jobs in the Pack are.


Reply:The district rep has said I am in a supervisory role, and that the pack is mainly my responsibility.


A Cubmaster is in charge of a Pack's program. He can not "hire" or "fire" Leaders (neither can a Tiger Leader!). The Pack is owned by its Charter Organization (CO). Part of the responsibilties of the CO is to provide Leaders. The CO is represented by a Charter Organization Representative (COR). The COR, along with the Committee Chair (CC) are the ones who would be responsible for "hiring" & "firing" Leaders & Commitee Members. You need to talk to them.


Reply:Will do. But If she is continuing the "bad habits" isn't that detrimental?


(This message has been edited by cubmasterntn)

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It sounds like you have been going to the District Executive for advice. While it is true that they are in charge of the District, a DE has very little to say about how an individual Pack is run. They very seldom get involved in the day to day problems in the unit. I really do not understand why a DE would be "appointing" anyone to ANY position in a Pack. It just is not their job.


It is a good thing you have a meeting with your Committee Chair coming up, but you should also get your Charter Org Rep in the meeting too (or are they the same person?). As I said, your Charter Org is the one who "owns" the Pack and it is their responsiblity (not your Council's or your District's) to appoint leaders.


It might be a good idea to have your Unit Commisioner (or the District Commisioner if you do not have a UC) at the meeting also. The job of the UC is to help the unit. They are there as a Scouting Consultant, a counselor to help the unit solve any problems they might have.


As Cubmaster, you are well within your rights to have a talk with this leader. You can let her know how she is out of line & what actions of hers are hurting the program. You can let her know that her Den is in trouble & that if things continue you will be forced to talk to the CC & COR about a change. However, YOU can not kick her out. You do not have the authority.


One other thing you might want to talk about in your upcoming meeting with your CC & COR, is asking one (or 2) of the other parents to be Assistant Den Leaders for this person's Den. That way there will always be someone there to take up the slack if she soes not show up. This should be something you have in place in any event. This sounds like a large Den & additional leadership is needed.


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