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75th anniversary skit


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I am looking for a skit that meets requirements of 75th anniverary award (topic is 75 years of scouting or scout values) . We have a large den (10 cubs) so it needs to be something simple, but still allow each boys to participate. Any ideas?

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Look in the 2004-05 Planning Helps for February, in the Pack meeting section. There are a few things that you could use. Picture of Cub Scouting can be expanded for any number of boys. The Scouting Shows closing ceremony can also be adapted.


If you don't want to purchase the Program Helps, and are a registered Cub Leader, find your copy of "Scouting" magazine for Nov-Dec 2004. The Program Helps for Feb & March are in the middle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a large Bear den and had the same problem. I took the portion of 'The Jungle Book' from the front of the Bear handbook, edited it down a bit for length, and made it a responsive reading skit.


Basically, when I said "Shere-Khan", the boys led the audience in a tiger growl, etc.


I also grabbed coloring book-type pictures of the various animals mentioned (not the Disney version!) and had the boys color them and mount them on cards. Each held a different animal (some animals had more that one boys with a sign, but that's ok). When we got to that animal, they held up the sign, sort of like a for that sound.


We did this at the Blue and Gold and it was a big hit.


It had the added advantage of the boys not having to remember anything or get nervous on the big stage since I was the narrator.


If you want the actual edited version, send me a private message and I'll scan it for you.

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