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New to forum, need some cub info


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Hi all, I am new here. I spent last year struggling through as a Tiger den leader and next year I am taking over as packmaster, big jump for the uninformed. I have a couple of questions for you all.

First, is there any info on getting sponsors to help with uniform costs? We live in rural east TN and most of my cubs are "financially challenged". I have a hard time keeping cubs if there is any costs. I bought all supplies our of pocket last year and would love some help this year. Any ideas would be welcomed.

Second, my packmaster this year is supposed to be training me but he seems to have problems with letting go of total control. What training will I need as packmaster?

Thanks all


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Welcome to the forums Kristi. I wish you luck in your scouting adventure!


A couple of quick things. First, the position is Cubmaster, not Packmaster. Often a mistake of newbies, so that's okay.


Second, get trained. Start with the Quick start video, followed by New Leader Essentials and Cubmaster training (aka Leader specific training). Also, don't forget to get your Youth Protection Training (which is offered online if a traditional-style course is not available).


Third, don't take all the responsibility yourself. You'll need helpful leaders to make the pack a success. So look for those around you that can help. This includes financial support as well. While it is admirable to help keep the pack afloat out of personal funds (I've done it myself), don't feel obligated to do so.


Finally, the money situation. This is a hard one. Truth be told, scouting does cost money. There are lots of ways of reducing the burden (uniforms from Goodwill stores, buying off of Ebay, camperships from council, etc.). But, in the end, scouting does cost money. Do these parents pay for soccer, baseball, football and band? Likely, they do. They have to see scouting as a priority, or they are not likely to stick with it.


Good luck!

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Welcome, Cajuncody!!!!


And Good luck!!!!! It's great that you understand you're jumping into the deep end of the pool --- but, it's even better that you're thinking clearly enough to proactively look around for help!!!! This is a great place for questions and answers!!!!!! Keep coming back -- not only will you find a great deal of help, but you'll be helping others, too!! There are a lot of non-posting readers, so even when only a few Scouters get involved in a conversation, MANY are impacted by it. Be sure to read all the CUB related threads just to keep up and learn tons of stuff you didn't know you ought to know!!!


It doesn't sound like there's much to be done about your relationship with the outgoing-CM (CM = Cubmaster -- better start getting used to abbreviations!! They fly around here at lightning speed!!). It would be nice to get help there, but it's not essential. Open a "solid" (read that "filled with high expectations of support") line of communication with your District and Council and keep reading - handbooks, CS Leader Book, CS Leader How-To Book, G2SS, conversations like this one, annual Program Helps, Cub Scout Songbook, CS "Ceremonies for Dens and Packs", CS "Academics and Sports" and everything else you can get your hands on. Don't let it overwhelm you, most of them aren't built to be read cover to cover but they're terrific a few minutes at a time when you need to plan or decide how to act, AND don't forget to take the breathers you're gonna need along the way!!!


EagleinKY is right about sharing the responsibility -- most people will help you more than you expect, the real trick is helping them see that it's more convenient than they thought. Be sure to set them up for success, don't just try to give them a job and hope it all works out OK. Just like planning a meeting for the boys, carefully think through what you ask each adult to do and be sure they have, or you can give them, the tools they'll need to succeed. Sounds a bit daunting, but once you've done it a time or two, it becomes second nature.


Uniforms and money are sticking points to be sure. Your Pack sounds like the one I grew up in - now as an adult I work with wealthy suburban kids and families where $ is a problem for many different reasons. But, like I said, been there, so I won't try to tell you that my present problems are as large as the type you're facing!! You've already heard some good ideas and I'm sure there will be others. It has me thinking about a district or council program to share second hand shirts. A district like mine must have an abundance of outgrown or unused unis. I wonder what happens to them?? (I hear a few posters typing "WOOD BADGE TICKET" . . .) :) Anyway, I wonder if, for practical purposes, there would be much objection to your group accepting a modified uni focused on activity shirts rather than the full dress outfit (I hear a few rule books being cracked open, but, personally, I'd rather see more boys in "half-unis" than half the boys in full unis!)??


As far as uniform sponsors go, I'm sure there are rules set out by national and your council, but I think you're on the right track -- your Cub families don't have extra money, so . . . who does?? Get some background info about the rules and then get going!! Are there other fundraising and equipment raising opportunities?? Are there spots where potential supporters naturally gather -- malls, large employers, special festivals, highway rest stops?? If we can't ask our traditional support groups to give even more, then we'll need to find new access to potential supporters! Perhaps there are service projects that can get you, and your needs, some recognition and hopefully some support. Again, first get the 411 on the RULES . . .


Good Luck!! Hope we're helping!! See ya round!!



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Welcome !


First - Training. Although it would be nice to have a cooperative, helpful Cubmaster, it is not your Cubmaster's job to train you. Contact your council. Most councils have a lot of training going on right now. Check out the on-line stuff (fast start and Youth protection) first. Attend your District's monthly Roundtables. These are a good oportunity to learn and to meet other Scouters in your area.


Uniforms - For help with your Cubs uniforming contact your Charter Organization (CO). They "own" your Cub Scout Pack and many CO's will be more than happy to provide their Pack some money to be used by needy families for uniforms.


Money/Fundraising - Support your council and your unit (Pack) by selling Scout Popcorn. Many, many Scout units fund their entire scout year thru popcorn sales. Check with your council, many are starting their sales soon. For any other type of money earning activity you will need to fill out a permit and get it approved by your council. Some things that have gone well for units are - car wash, sell christmas wreaths, pancake breakfast, pasta dinner, sell pizzas, sell candy, bake sale, rummage sale.


Good Luck !



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First off, Thanks a bunch for the info. I have already done the online Child safety training and just completed the fast start training CD for all the different types of cubs from Tigers on up. There is Baloo training at the end of the month in my area along with Webelos and I am planning to attend. I just didn't know if there is a specific "CM" training for newbies.

Secondly uniforms seem to be a problem along with apathetic parents. I don't blame the parents, we get no notice of changed events and our round up letter went home on the day of the round up. As you can guess, we are a small pack. I of course have high hopes of changing all that. We had a recent flag raising event where Webelos scout came in uniform shirt and droopy ragged basketball shorts. My den was well represented and looking offical. I hope that if I can find help for the uniforms that maybe we can look a little more presentable to the public at large.


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