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Cubmaster help


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Hi everyone,

I am new to this site for I found it as I was trying to find some help for a situtation that has come up inside my son's CS pack. I am the Asst. Cubmaster for the pack and feared that this situtation might come about, but was not sure until recently. You see the current Cubmaster from last year is no longer sure if they will continue as Cubmaster. This has caused a problem for the pack is now getting a very late start in everything. What I would like to know is how long do I give the current Cubmaster to make up their mind? I mean I am a busy person but have always made time for CS since it is important to my son and nephews that are in the pack. I know that if I have to step up into Cubmaster postition then I have a lot of work to do as well as going thru the training.

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Hi, and welcome!


Do you have a committee chairman? That would be the person, according to the Cub leader manual, to cover in the absence of the Cubmaster. That would the person to turn to for support too. We did not have one (except in name) until this year, and it is a wonderful position to have filled.


Have you taken training as Asst. Cubmaster? If so, it should have been the same as Cubmaster. That's what I'm signed up for now with the hopes it doesn't get cancelled again. But that's another story altogether :)


I'm not sure if I've helped at all, but I hope you have some answers soon. It is so helpful to know who can serve in what way rather than to wonder.



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Hi thanks for the info on the committee chairman but that is another problem. Our chairman left this year, something that we knew was going to happen for the family is moving out of state. I haven't had any training as of yet for the asst. cubmaster position for the last time it was offered I was unable to go.





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Momof1, welcome to the forums! May you find much information here and good luck to you in your scouting role. Please feel free to look at my profile.


To answer your question, I think that if the Cubmaster isn't sure if he/she is going to continue and things aren't getting done in the interim, that you should just go ahead and do them if you can.


Does last year's cubmaster know that you're willing to step up to the plate and be cubmaster if he/she steps down? If not, please call and let him/her know that. Sometimes that's all it takes to get them to say "Thank God. I'm off the hook."


Also, take a look at your council's web site. Most of them have a link that will allow you to complete fast start training online. Take a look at your council's newsletter, look for your district page. Usually they will list the district commissioner's name and phone number. Give the District commissioner a call and see if he or she can hook you up with a volunteer who can walk you through what you need to know to be a cubmaster. If you have a unit commissioner, skip the district commissioner and go right to the unit commissioner. If all else fails, call your District Executive -- who is probably already worried about your pack.


Best of luck to you and your pack.


Dave Steele

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I have great sympathy for your situation. I was left with something similar years ago and I agree completely with Dsteele's assessment. Someone needs to make sure the boys have continuity in their program and if you can do it that would be great. If you step forward, it will call the question and the tentative leader will make his decision, one way or the other. Either way it needs to be made. Please keep us informed, however, as to the assistance you get from your DE and council. Best wishes and good luck.

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Hi, mom! You can also let your DE and unit commissioner know what's going on. The Cub training has changed so that training can be taken to the units when needed. (If you have a willing training staff.) Last spring I arranged for a training session for 2 den leaders and 2 committee members. I was the District Cub Training Coordinator, and we had a new pack start up. They had just missed district training, and the next training throught the council wouldn't be until October. The DE talked with me and asked me to set up a special training session. We brought the training to the pack and did the Leader Specific training. The 4 pack members will attend New Leader Essentials in October.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've gotten some very suggestions so far, many of which I second.


However, may I suggest before you involve your DE and UC, that you have a talk with your charter organization rep? Who sponsors your pack? That organization has a lot at stake in the selection of a good CM. Do they know your current CM is unsure about his future in the pack? Are they aware of your willingness to take over?


Also, there's nothing preventing you from going to training now. I highly recommend it, even for folks who are in assistant positions (ass't DL, ass't CM, etc.). If you get trained now, you can step-in immediately in the current CM drops out.


Finally, you *really* need to get a new CC onboard so all that administrivia doesn't fall to you (and I'm not demeaning the CC job -- I am a former CC myself).


Good luck and keep us posted.


Fred Goodwin

(current) ACM, Pack 2003, Alamo Area

(former) CC, Pack 468, National Capital Area

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Hello everyone,

thanks so much for all the help and advice. I have gone to my Charter rep who concerned about this whole mess. The CR has basically told me that until she can get a hold of the CM (who is hiding from all it seems for no one can get a hold of them) and until the next committee meeting in a couple of weeks that I should go ahead a continue doing all that I am doing so that the pack continues to run as smoothly as it is. I have been able to get several parents who are willing to serve on the committee and one of them is willing to be the CC so that will help a great deal.

The CR even suggested that I attend the CM training session this weekend so that I am prepared just in case. Well that is where everything stands at the moment. I hope that in the next few weeks things will even out for all and with all the parents who are willing to help out the pack (double the volunteers over last year) a lot of the work that I was doing has been past on to willing parents.

Thanks for the advice again and I will keep you all updated.

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