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2011 National Camp School


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Actually, that's a good questions. NCS used to be coordinated out of the regional offices. Now, since the regions have all been moved to Texas and functionally merged, I'm not where to ask. I see that the western region has some NCS on it's calendar, but the southern region's calendar and web site ends at the end of this year -- it's like the Aztec calendar, but two years early.


Talk to your council program director. He or she should have a contact who can get the dates for you.

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If camp school registration goes anything like the recent Course Director conferences (CDCs) for Wood Badge and NYLT the registration link will come from national once the web folks have been tasked to create a registration page. For the CDCs The registration links were sent to the regional and area coordinators and someone in each council (not sure who, if you don't have a program director). Each person attending had to register on line and pay via credit card. The registration link was not where I thought it might be at MyScouting.org under . The link took you to another site.

Keep seeking the answer and sooner or later you might get the information otherwise have someone check with your area director

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From personal experience, the info usually pops up on the net around December/January. You could try to give National a call but my guess is that dates/locations are still being confirmed. Your best (see:quickest) bet may be to contact the ranger(s) at the camp(s) that NCS normally takes place in your area.



Here's the northeast's camp school page (not yet updated; who knows if it will be):http://nerbsa.org/sitecore/content/Regions/Northeast/program/campschool/residentcamps.aspx


Good luck! Let us know if you find a doc. I have to send a few guys to NCS next year as well.

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