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Proper Campsite Attire


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Since another name for my house could be "teenage jock central", I need to point out that some guys seem to ALWAYS need to discuss who is more buff, who is (or might someday) develop the reasured 6-pack of abs, who can bench what weight, run what distance in what time or perform some other feat of strength or skill. It's pretty boring to listen to, but better than listening to rap music. The little brothers listen and chime in and dream of when they might be talking fact and not fiction. Maybe this ASM didn't grow p in that culture, so comments about muscles really do sound odd to him.

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I'll probably get crucified for this but ...


Scene - Summer Camp, last evening before departure, nearing 11:00 PM. The SPL came to me, the Scoutmaster, and asked if they (boys only) could sit around the camp fire in just their boxer shorts. I thought this was a rather strange request. I talked it over with my assistant scoutmasters - all male, no females in camp - and I gave my approval. Now, the troop was rather young, the oldest boys were around 14 or 15, there were around 20 boys and their campfire was around 50 ft from our (adult) site so we could hear and kind of keep and eye on them. Nothing much happened and for years later, the boys (thinking that they got away with something?) still talk about that as one of the greatest times they had.


So, getting ones undies in a knot because a boy is shirtless? I guess swimming is forbidden?

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Man o' man I can not believe there are so many scouters in here who are such prudes. When the weather gets hottt, most camps I have been to boys without their shirts were commonplace and no one got their knickers in a twist. Lighten up people, lol.

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I think for the most part, the comments have been that the boys being shirtless was not a problem. The only other comments have been that the ASM who initially brought this up has a problem, not that the boys should have been told to put shirts on. So, I'm not sure there are any "prudes" other than perhaps the ASM that started the whole thing in our Troop.


Just my thoughts...



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I can understand being in my skivvies, getting ready for bed, noticing some of the guys still around the fire and wandering back out.


But to think through, plan and specifically ask permission to sit around the campfire in my boxers ..... that's just weird. It doesn't bother me that they are doing it, it's just weird to make it a planned activity.

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"As another suggested, maybe he should move to a Comm position so he doesn't have to go on camping trips anymore."


Since when does the committee not camp or the ASMs are required to do so? the last time I checked if you are reqistered and have taken YP 'a camping we will go'!

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TwoCubDad - yes, I thought it was weird also. I wouldn't say it was "planned" - it was more or less impromptu but in the spirit of SPL asking, youth led and no real reason to say no, I okayed it. And yes, I'm glad it did not become an issue.

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All this talk of underwear reminded me of a very funny story from my summer camp days. There was a night where a few of us wouldn't go to sleep or keep it down. After numerous visits from our scout leader and continued horse play our leader came up with his own plan.


He got us out of our tent and marched us around the camp in the dark. He didn't let us get dressed or put on shoes. It had to have been about a mile walk with no shoes and only in our pajamas which was underwear back in those days. After tip toeing along the gravel paths with only his flash light lighting his path we went straight to bed and didn't make another noise.


I smiled that night after getting back thinking how he took care of business. I always liked that man before and I only respected him more after that. That man was one of my best friends father and a neighbor. My father wasn't at summer camp that year and this man diciplined me just like I was his son. I know my dad got a huge laugh from the story when I got home and told me I deserved it.


I would love to hear some of your funny stories from camp.



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A couple boys in our Troop seem to believe that the appropriate place for the waist band of pants is nearly below the butt, with a significant amount of boxers hanging out, and the crotch nearly to their knees! Every time I see these guys I tell them to pull their pants up 'cause no one wants or needs to see their butt. Nevertheless they persist in wearing their pants like this! They can barely walk around. Drives me and the rest of the adults nuts!

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Gee, when my boys give me that exposed underwear look, I simply make reference to how nice his plumber's butt ensemble looks. However, I suggest that if he really wants people to notice his underwear, he should consider the whity-tighty look. Far more attention getting than colored boxers.


I usually don't have to comment again afterwards. :)


If I do, I have pictures of a lot of older gentlemen who prefer the waistband at the armpit level that I use to compliment them on their retro look.


That usually solves the problem.


What I can't understand is how the temptation for every 12-14 year old boy can be resisted. Dang, when I was that age, that waistband above the belt was the biggest wedgie target ever created.



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  • 2 weeks later...

"We're much more relaxed in the campsite than the camp. The camp has all the rules about shirts, shoes, hats in the dining hall, etc. I personally think the "no open-toe shoes" thing is silly. A couple years ago when Crocs became popular, it was upgraded to "closed-toe, closed-heel." Pure adult power trip. "


I agree totally. However, you are the first person who I've ever heard to agree with me.

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