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Internet Stalking (It's Happened to us)

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Dear Scouters,

I just came from my daughters school this afternoon after talking with her assistant principal about internet stalking. My daughter is being stalked. I don't know who to turn to. My first thought was scouting and Youth Protection. This program is not just for our sons. I have pulled the video from our troop and we are watching it as a family again. We don't know what is going to happen from here. We're hoing the school will help us and we are going to the police. AOL has been contacted. These were serious death threats and they knew where she went to school, named her friends, and where she lived. They also told her to pray. This is all very scary for us as parents. This is also a message to all you scouters out there talk to your scouts and families. Find a way to make them aware of the faceless preditors that are out there. Used the Youth Protection Program. Don't let the internet be your childs babysitter!! You wouldn't leave your child with a stranger. But you can be doing exactly that if you just let your kids on the internet without full supervision.



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I am very sorry to hear of your problem. I urge you to contact your local and state police. They will put you in touch with the proper authorities (likely a federal law enforcement agency). If they know her school and her friends this is quite possible someone from her school. Prank or not, please continue to treat this seriously.


Our thoughts are with you,

Bob White

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Thanks BW. This person is not from here school and it sounds like they haven't been in the area for awhile. I say this because of some of the content of their conversation. I do believe it is a child though. My daughter was smart enough to save the conversation so we have that to give to the school and police.

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Today has been a very long day. No one has responded to our pleas for help. The school says it didn't happen at school so it's out of their hands. No word fron AOL or the cyberlawenforcement. I just sent out 2 more letters to the cyberangels. Thanks guys for the tips. The kids were talking at school today and all this evening and they think they have figured out who it is. Their mad at this person. I don't know if I'm sending my daughter to school tommorrow. This stalker claims to have a "cougar mag" which I assume is some type of gun. I may head to the police depts. myself rather than trust the schools. When I asked the asst. principal how she planned on protecting my daughter she said she couldn't. Where do I go from here?

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Absolutely, go to the police! Depending on how this kid (I'm assuming) is going about his cyber stalking, there are methods to track him down. Also, these kinds of threats are felonies, not misdemeanors. I think the police will respond in a very serious manner. If not, try the FBI. They might at least point you to the right agency.


I have been praying for your situation and your family and will continue to do so.

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I did go to the State Police. They were at my home yesterday and took the information we had. My daughter had the mind to save her conversation with this person. The officer called me within 2 hours and eased my mind as far as the gun. He spoke with the father and they had no such thing. The father also said it sounded like his son. To back up a bit and tell you how we found out it was this young man who by the way goes to school with my daughter and is in her classes, the children were the ones who found out. They were angry that someone would do this. And they talked. We listened. The officer went back and spoke with the young man and he admitted to the actions. On Sunday the officer is coming to speak with my daughter and we will decide what charges to press.

I have to thank all of you who gave me support. I have to tell you though I still have not heard fron either the cyberlawenforcement or cyberangels, as far AOL they won't release any information without a written document from the police. But they never acknowledged me either.

Again thanks guys and I hope everyone who reads this takes away something. Be careful out here.



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Hopfully the end is nearing for this eye opening experience. Along with my daughter we decided to serve harassment papers on the young man. The parents of him were very surprised and dissappointed in their son. The son actually did this at another friends home implicating another friend and family. What an effect this has had on a number of families. The school is working closely with the families. The kids and parents are going into a counseling session on tolerance. This whole situation came about from kids intolerance with each other, and it got out of control. This is being done on my request. The kids are not happy about it. The officer told my daughter that there were families out in Colorado that would love to have a second chance. She listened.

April is our Troops month to do Youth Protection and I am the committee member responsible for it. You can bet I will be pushing internet safety hard!!

I have to say though I am a bit dissapointed in the cyberlawenforcment, cyberangels, and AOL. I got no responses from any of them. It makes you wonder if they are out there.

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