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Time to Update BSA Lifeguard....

le Voyageur

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As more and more Councils add off site high adventure program, BSA Lifeguard has become outdated for these programs. M40 in the current High Adventure Standards gives me the willies (...if instruction includes more than swim classification, a currently trained BSA Aquatics Instructor who is at least 21 years of age and currently trained in ARC Standard First Aid that includes CPR....must give instruction). BSA AI's, and BSA LG's are great for pools, and protected waterfronts, but they are not trained in swift water (for myself, and as an example, I would not want a BSA AI, or BSA LG's with no river skills or experience teaching my crews how to break through an eddy line in a Class 3 rapid, or how to rig a 3:1 to unpin a boat)


My suggestion....a new certification, i.e. BSA Lifeguard, Swift Water which requires an internship and training with seasoned river runners....

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le V,


Sadly, that is probably a discussion which needs to go up Ranger channels to the national Health and Safety folk.


From watching my two Reservation Rangers, they're involved in program safety management as an integral part of their facilities jobs.

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Actually, Rangers have litte to do with offsite high adventure programs, thus as a resource they can do little in this reguard. However, reflecting on how I worded the title to this thread, a better choice would not be "upgrade", but maybe "augment".


Having been a Waterfront Director once, I know that no AD, because of limited staffing, and merit badge schedules would allow one of his AI's to spend a week out on a swiftwater river trek supervising a training program that he, or she may not be qualified to instruct. Being that there is no swiftwater training in the NCS AD section, I've a feeling the traditional basecamp AD would not be able to create a viable program to meet the M40 standard. Nor is there time during staff week for experienced river runners to fully train an AD, or AI.


The best short term solution for the now untill something better then BSA Lifeguard comes around, is simply to have the camp's AD sign off AI cards for river runners to meet M40.


As such, the better augment would be the creation of a BSA Swiftwater program.










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