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St. Louis & Bartle


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Welcome to the Forums.


I will check with a e-group of fellow HRB staffers I participate in.


I know we get Troops from Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Columbia (MO) councils.


Camp Draw lottery is October 18, evening, at the Council Offices. 816-942-9333 rings the Council office, ask for David Allen, the Reservation Director. He can guide you through procedures for Out-Of-Council Troops to enter the draw.

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John, I am a member on the bartlestaff e-group. I was on Sawmill staff for 95-99. I did not worry about it on that group because 95% of them live in KC. The 5% who don't, appear not to be very active at the troop level and are just past staff members. I am looking for a troop close to me so I can have some people to go with if I wish to return in the next few years.




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Thanks for the clarification.


Call David Allen. He'll be able to point you exactly to St Louis Area Council troops which come to Camp Runamuck ;)



Who thinks Lone Star is the Greatest!! After all, we have the Lakefront, Davis Lodge, Perry Lodge, She-She-Be, Memorial Hall, AND Lone Bear Tribal Council Ring, and Sawmill gave up Lady Liberty to RHQ. ;)(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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Welcome, Brian.


The answer is "yes." I know of a troop in Webster Groves that regularly attends Bartle as well as one of our own council camps. Based upon the well-known quality of their program, I'd say attending Bartle has had a very positive impact on the young men in that troop. Having grown up in a council adjacent to Heart of America, Bartle and its Mic-O-Say were viewed with some sense of rivalry and much curiosity. As an adult, now that I know gentlemen who grew up with Mic-O-Say, and see the tremendous impact it has had on their lives, I must say I have newfound respect for that organization. Attending Bartle, even if just for a change of pace from GSLAC's own fine camps, is a great idea, and I think that my own troop will likely make that trek within a year or two. If you'd like contact information, I'll be happy to find out what I can for you.





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