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Anyone ever been to Quivira SR in Kansas?


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First of all, I am a new SM of a small-ish troop (30 boys) in a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas. I just became SM after 5 years as an ASM with troops in Marietta, GA and Mill Creek, WA, and then here in Texas.


Our boys voted last night to attend Quivira SR in Kansas. One of the adult leaders in the troop used to always go there as a boy and talked it up.


I did due diligence by going on-line and checking out their site, and it sounds like a great camp. But it would be good if someone had some recent experience.


If no one has been there, if you could recommend some site to find out more. That scoutcamp.org site has nothin'


SM Bill

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I have not been there personally, but my sister-in-law and her son went there last summer (2003). There were two issues that came up: (1) the program was not well-defined, and (2) the camp was not handicapped accessible, which contradicts their leader's guide. I'm betting that the second point probably doesn't apply to you, and there's a chance that my relative's opinion was brought down by that bad experience.


Not very helpful, I know...



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I have not gotten down to see Quivira Scout Ranch personally but being from Kansas I do know that it is located in some of the most beautiful countries in Kansas. Here is the council's website, the QSR stuff is pretty easy to find.





I have not been there myself. If you end up going, if you think about it, drop us a line and tell us what you thought. Hope you get this in time!



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