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just accapted a staff position

Proud Eagle

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Earlier today the program director from my council's camp called my house and left a message to the affect that they needed an archery instructor, because the current one had something come up and was going to leave, and that he would appreciate it if I called back. So this afternoon I called the camp office and spoke with the Camp Director. He offered to let me think about it for a couple days, but I told him I would have an answer this evening. So, I just got off the phone with the program director. I start work as soon as I can wrap up some loose ends in Lousiville and get to RCM.


This will be both my first experience as an archery instructor, and my first experience on camp staff. I will likely be leaving in a couple days, so I am afraid I will miss this place until at least the latter part of July, or perhaps even until August. In the mean time, if anyone has any tips, suggestions, advice, etc, I would greatly appreciate it.


I hope everyone has a great summer. I know I certainly plan to.

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Way to go. I served on BSA camp staff for 4 years and my fellow staffers all say the same thing: it's like military service. You will have fun, get fustrated, hate your job, and have found memories for the rest of your life. Enjoy and bring lots of extra socks.

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No, I won't be a Camp Crooked Creek. I had spoken with the camp director there several months ago during a visit to the council office, and I had the opportunity to take a staff position, however I did not do so.


The position I am taking is at Camp Roy C. Manchester, on Kentucky Lake.


Perhaps our paths will cross at some future juncture, but it will not be at CCC this summer.


Extra socks? Makes sense I suppose, though I don't think I would have thought of it. Thanks for the tip.(This message has been edited by Proud Eagle)

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