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Pack Tents - Pros and Cons?

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So, let's throw a little wrinkle into this question. As you may know, I'm in a Cub Scout Pack and we do have quite a few opportunities to camp. Most of it is car camping for which I make no apologies.


Generally we camp as a Pack 3-4 times a year plus Council Fall Family and Spring Adult/Boy camps at the Scout Camp and two Council Webelos Camping events, all of which are indvidual registrations but the Pack is together in a campsite.


Cub & Webelos Resident Camp is also offered but removed from this discussion since that is done in wall tents on platforms. The other Council camping opportunities the Cub and his family must provide their own tent, usually set up on the platforms in each campsite.


Participants on the Pack campouts tend to be the same families trip after trip (a few new folks each time, but nowhere near all the new boys), all tents are personally owned with a couple of dining flys owned by the pack and set up as the kitchen area. We've recently added a trailer where our pack camping equipment is kept.


After fielding several questions from parents about "what camping gear should I get/do I need", my question is what is your opinion of Pack owned tents and what has your experience been at the Pack level?


I get the feeling that we would have more boys/families participate in the camping trips if we had tents available for those who needed them. If we do implement a Pack tent program, you've given me some great ideas to implement.


Thanks in advance.





Assistant Cubmaster

Pack 13

Shenandoah Area Council

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I never heard of a pack having tents as all of their camping is of the family variety. What I have seen is packs making arrangements for families that did not own a tent to borrow one for the weekend. With a little pre-planning said loans might be arranged with a boy scout troop. Another great reason to have den chiefs on board and active. Most family's that are into scouting have several tents ie family sized one and then a couple of smaller ones. Most everyone can scare up a borrowed tent for the weekend. For an official loaner program put out the word someone will donate an old tent when upgrading or run into one being given away.

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Our pack is similar to yours - does a regular amount of camping, owns a trailer and some communal gear, but doesn't have any tents. We've considered getting a couple, because we do know that some families don't have tents when they start, and we'd like to lower the barrier to that first campout. But we remain in a state similar to yours - thinking it might be a good idea, but not actually acting on it.


I think the best case would be if someone would donate an old tent or two that the pack could make available. You don't want to get into a situation where people are continuously depending on the tent, and you don't want to get into contention over who gets to use it.


We've told people not to let the lack of a tent stop them - that there are more experienced camping families around that have extra tents and would be willing to lend them. We'll probably just keep it that way.

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When I was the CM years ago, the troop and the pack understood that the equipment was the property of the CO. Therefore, although the troop maintained the equipment and were usually the only ones using it, the pack and at least one other youth group were able to borrow it if needed, assuming schedules allowed it. The parents who didn't have tents usually had access to loaners.

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We have considered purchasing a few Pack tents, but still have not reached any concrete decision on it. While waffling on that issue, we make sure that families know that tents can be found if the families need them. Our Troop has some older ones they would loan us.


We also make sure to have one of our overnights at a place with cabins. This way we can get some of our non-camping, and our Tiger families out and give them a taste of camping. Some have then gone out and purchased their own family tent for the next time.

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I, and I imagine most of the other people in scouting don't usually have a bunch of cash to put out on camping gear in one large chunk, but with the multitude of affordable equipment out there just about anyone can pick up a tent or two, and if they find they enjoy it then it's time to start saving up for the upgrade :).

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