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Missed Advancement

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Which dates? For each rank or individual achievements?


Our Troop we usually want something in writing from the old scoutmaster, a signed book, or a Troopmaster (or equivalent)print-out. But we have had a boy or two who "thought" they were a much higher rank than they actually are. On occasion a boy has been burned with a unit collapse but we will work pretty hard to clear things up.

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Oh have I dealt with this issue.


In regards to missing records, I have done, or advised doing.




Took the BSHB and used it to fill out an advancement report to correct the council's records (person was using the date they put the records into the system and not the date the items were actually earned.




Once I got access to Internet Advancement, took the pack's PACKMASTER records and updated SCOUTNET.

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Where do you want to correct it? Your records? Council records?


If he has his book and blue cards then he should have actual dates. Otherwise, you may need to approximate them as best you can. Just do whatever you would normally do if someone earned an advancement.

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only thing's we have had to deal with are an occassional blue card that was lost before getting to advancement recordings, but got copy from merit badge councilor and got new card filled out.


other than that when I went to get a eagle app signed by council the other day I asked if they would print out my son's as he has done everything but his project for his eagle so thought I'd get that for him since I was there - realized his first troop spelled his first name wrong so they have records for him under two names, but it's now been fixed - and none were missing.

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The records are not recorded at our COUNCIL office. The scout's father was the advancement person from his second troop, so the records I received are from his dad! If you look at the dates ....... it seems that about one week of his scouting career was never recorded. (I think this was the time he was in transition from Illinois to Arizona)


So, what I am hearing is this ~ first try to manually add them on the internet advancement sheet. If that doesn't work fill out a form and submit it to our council. Does this sound right?


He is working hard on his scouting and I would hate for this to stop him from achieving Eagle.



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My son transferred troops a couple years ago. At the time of transfer, his records were given a check and found to be missing several items (MBs needed for star - star earned a few years ago but MBs not in the council records). He had the signed blue cards from the allegedly missing MBs, got that fixed.


6 months ago they looked at his records again. A whole bunch of wrong dates. Got them fixed.


2-3 weeks before his 18th birthday as he's finishing up his Eagle app, looked at his records again. A whole bunch of "new" wrong dates. Got them fixed.


Verifiable, signed handbooks and signed blue cards trump faulty council records just about every single time, as long as you have them on hand.


Honestly, this is so common, even within the same council, that

I can't imagine a cross-council transfer scout NOT having these problems. Just make sure he & dad (or whoever) understand that he should keep meticulous records because even though you're fixing this problem right now, it might very well pop up again some years down the road when he's trying to dot his i's and cross his t's on his Eagle app.



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  • 2 weeks later...



I was able to correct the records of the "transfer" scout. He did indeed have his Tenderfoot section in his book signed and the cards that went with his never recorded merit badges. (I knew that he would)


Now, we just need to locate 3 merit badges he lost in the move!!!!


Ah ~ to be young!


Thanks for the help.

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