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Need some advice....


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Was it the scouts who shirked, or were they just the victims of the rude parent who showed up unexpectedly to take their kid home early? We used to have a similar problem at summer camp when they moved family night from Weds to Fri. I would notice scouts packing up after dinner, and when I asked what they were doing, say, "oh, I'm going home with mom tonight so she doesn't have to come back tomorrow." I hated family night.


PS: and if the other 2 scouts didn't have permission from their parents to leave early with "rude parent", that should not have happened.(This message has been edited by papadaddy)

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SMEagle819, "Needless to say, the irate email I received was about the change of plans without notification. I would like some suggestions on a response, as I am having difficulty coming up with something "PC" to say."


I would not reply at all. If this parents son was there then they know why it was changed and there is no reason for any further explanation.


SMEagle819,"I do admit that I was wrong, and should have sent an email regarding change of plans, and yes that will be worked into my response as well."


The only wrong you did was not running this by the SPL and letting him decide how to handle the problem.

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My standard reply: Apparantly, I've given offense. I apologize. Please forgive me.

My speech to the crowd would be: "Let's finish the cleanup and packing from our campout, and then when that's done, go to our gaming event."

If the work isn't done in time, "Oops, I had no idea that would take so long." SM conference with the QM that skipped out would be good.

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