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Top 10 reasons camping is better than staying in a hotel

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10. Your neighbors don't mind hearing "reveille" at 6 AM

9. If you don't like the view, turn your tent

8. You don't have to worry about losing the key to your tent.

7. Pay per view is taking the rain fly off and looking at the stars

6. Nobody ever got silly at Cracker Barrel and pulled the fire alarm

5. Dutch oven Cobbler

4. Housekeeping is as easy as shaking your tent out.

3. The calories don't count when you eat outside

2. Soap? We don't need no stinking soap!

1. You can't have a huge bonfire in your hotel room


Happy Camping all!



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As I prepare to go off camping in a mud pit after it has continually rained for 7 days now.. And we may have a small break during the weekend, which means the black flies will be viciously attacking, while I sink ankle deep into the mud...


I will repeat your 10 reasons as to why this is better then a hotel and repeat them over & over..



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10-Food really does taste better.

9- Raindrops sounding on the tent.

8- Exciting sounds that go 'BUMP!' in the night.

- or - Twigs that slide slooowly down the rain fly...

7- Economics - buy a good tent/bag/pad once - pay for hotels every the night.

6- Campfires heat on your face.

5- Not having neighbors, if you want to misbehave outside.

4- Camping right next to a creek.

3- Trees. Critters.

2- Thunderstorms, up close and personal.

1- NO TV!


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6am reveille? What on earth are you talking about?


Camping right next to the creek? Great location> God willing and the creek don't rise, may want to talk to the people around Vicksburg about that


then again


People who pretty much agree with your view of life, sorta just like here...

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Don't take offense, Engineer61. I know lots of boys (my own sometimes included) who have said the best thing about camping is that they get to take a break from their parents/siblings. And I know more than a handful who have expressed the wish that "mom" or "dad" **would** stay home sometimes, instead of insisting on attending every campout with them, too. Just a normal part of the growing-up process.







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